Meanwhile, I was so tired from all my hard work yesterday that I had to just lie down last night. I didn't even have the strength to make it to my Huffle bed. I think Zimmie's right: I may have overdone it with all my efforts.

Mum is going away again tomorrow for three days. That means I will be left with dad (who does feed me, so that's ok) and Salvador (who still hates me). Maybe I should overcome my fear of being in the car and go with mum. Dad doesn't wake up and let me under the doona like mum does. I'm not sure what to do about that!
Meow Huffle. It's me, Witty Kitty. You are definitely in need of some cat naps. All that hard work is so unnecessary for us cool cats. Leave that to the dogs.
Don't wait for the human to ask, just sneak under the doona. Personally I will sneak up from the floor and also from on top of the bed. At least I think we have a doona. Mom calls it a comforter. Is this the same?
The pack is so envious of your cool weather. I must confess there's nothing I love more than catting around when it's in the 80's at night.
Can you believe I'm having to train another one of those dogs? Huffle, you need to hop a plane and come help. I'm getting overwhelmed.
Enjoy your cat naps. Don't forget to lie in wait and pounce on Mom as soon as she returns. Hiding in the closet is a blast.
Witty Kitty
Oh, Huffle! You poor kitty! I was afraid you'd done too much! Get lots of rest. Will your dad bring you dinner in bed? You deserve it.
I've never done this myself, but if your dad won't let you under the doona, I'm fairly certain Meeshka would advise you to give him the claw. It should only take once!
Play bows,
Rumour has it you ARE a khat -
That means you think you khan do anything you want -
So just do it!
Show him woo are the boss of him -
Poor Huffle, it sure does look like you worked hard and deserved that snooze! Hope your mom has a good trip, and you get extra food and treats while she is gone.
One word: CLAW!
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