Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The Queen of the World, Meeshka, tagged me to play the 6th picture meme. Last time I played this I ended up with some boring picture of some place mum and dad went on holidays once. So this time I cheated a bit. I went to the Huffle folder on the computer, then chose the 6th folder within that, then the 6th picture in that inside folder. Here it is:
I was trying to snoopervise the street but SOMEONE with the flashy beast wouldn't leave me alone. I never get any peace.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Check out the new site, started by Greg and Brooke over at Dogs with Blogs. The site is a work in progress but if you look closely at the header graphic, you can see my picture! That's why mum and dad were chasing me around with the camera a few weeks ago.
If you click on the logo you can go visit the site. Please go and visit, and join up, we need to have all the blogging kitties in the world joining. It's not running in competition with the Cat Blogosphere, so don't think you'd be abandoning them. We just need to get more kitties blogging!
Also, if there are Dogs with Blogs members out there who may share their blog with a kitty (even just sometimes), you are allowed to be members of Cats with Blogs too! Nothing wrong with being members of both.
Monday, December 29, 2008
My friend Fin over at Housecat Confidential has started a new meme. Something to show our people that we love and appreciate them. The rules are: you know I hate to follow a rule, so here are the meme "guidelines." Say five (or more) nice things about your staff/family/beans/parents and then tag any pup or cat you like in your blog or no pups or cats, it's your choice, and the Staff can post it whenever they need a little break, no rush.
Mum and dad are great because:
Mum and dad are great because:
- Mum lets me sit on her lap any time, even when it's not convenient for her, like when she's working from home or something, AND she lets me get under the toasty blanket when it's cold
- Dad always feeds me when I am hungry, and he watches me eat to make sure poo-face Salvador doesn't steal my dinner
- Mum speaks cat, and always knows the difference between when I want to go outside, or when I want to be let out on the balcony, or when I'm telling her the crunchies bowl is empty and dad needs to fill it up
- They rescued me from the cat home
- They both move and let me sleep in the middle of the bed, and dad pats me until he falls asleep
- They buy me HAM!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Oh. My. God.
This would have to be one of the happiest days of my Huffle life. Check out the size of this ham! Grandpa got it all just for me.
And it's nearly as big as I am! I might be willing to share, if anypup or kitty wants to come over...
Also, today is my gotcha day! Three years ago today mum and dad picked me to come home with them from the Cat Protection Society. I think they made a marvellous choice. Now I have as many mouses as I want to play with, and ham to eat, and a nice bed to sleep in, a best friend (hi Zim!), a handsome boyfriendcat (Hi MrSippi!)... what more could a kitty want?

Also, today is my gotcha day! Three years ago today mum and dad picked me to come home with them from the Cat Protection Society. I think they made a marvellous choice. Now I have as many mouses as I want to play with, and ham to eat, and a nice bed to sleep in, a best friend (hi Zim!), a handsome boyfriendcat (Hi MrSippi!)... what more could a kitty want?
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Hanging out with Huffle
Today I'm just hanging out in the garden. I like to sit out here when it's warm.
After inspecting the weeds that are growing in my backyard, I decided to have a bit of a nap. It's hard work doing the gardening!
I was lying on the concrete that wasn't in the sun any more, but it was still nice and warm.

Friday, December 26, 2008
Boxing Day
Boxing Day is celebrated in Australia, England, Canada and New Zealand. The term Boxing Day comes from the following tradition.
A Christmas box is, in English tradition, a clay box used in artisan shops. Apprentices, masters, visitors, customers, and others would put donations of money into the box, like a piggy bank, and then, after Christmas, the box would be shattered and all the contents shared among the workers of the shop. Thus, masters and customers could donate bonuses to the workers anonymously, and the employees could average their wages. The habit of breaking the Christmas box lent its name to Boxing Day. The term "Christmas box" now refers generally to a gift or pay bonus given to workers.
Boxing Day now is marked by big post-Christmas sales, but more importantly, the traditional Boxing Day Test in cricket at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Today is the first day of the five day test, Australia versus South Africa. I won't be going to the sales; I'll be watching the cricket. I don't have a favourite player since Adam Gilchrist retired, it might be time for me to choose a new favourite. Maybe Michael Clarke, since his nickname is Pup.
I hope everypup and kitty got lots of presents or treats for Christmas! I got this special present: the wonderful Maggy, Zoey and their human Ann over at Zoolatry made this wonderful picture for me, and the other Australian blogging kitties. Thanks Maggy, Zoey and Ann!
A Christmas box is, in English tradition, a clay box used in artisan shops. Apprentices, masters, visitors, customers, and others would put donations of money into the box, like a piggy bank, and then, after Christmas, the box would be shattered and all the contents shared among the workers of the shop. Thus, masters and customers could donate bonuses to the workers anonymously, and the employees could average their wages. The habit of breaking the Christmas box lent its name to Boxing Day. The term "Christmas box" now refers generally to a gift or pay bonus given to workers.
Boxing Day now is marked by big post-Christmas sales, but more importantly, the traditional Boxing Day Test in cricket at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Today is the first day of the five day test, Australia versus South Africa. I won't be going to the sales; I'll be watching the cricket. I don't have a favourite player since Adam Gilchrist retired, it might be time for me to choose a new favourite. Maybe Michael Clarke, since his nickname is Pup.
I hope everypup and kitty got lots of presents or treats for Christmas! I got this special present: the wonderful Maggy, Zoey and their human Ann over at Zoolatry made this wonderful picture for me, and the other Australian blogging kitties. Thanks Maggy, Zoey and Ann!

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas

(Now do you understand why I was so grumpy in yesterday's post? Mum tied that ribbon around my neck and chased me ALL DAY with the flashy beast. I did get to destroy it later though.)
Since we get to experience Christmas before every other pup and kitty here in Australia, the kitties from Down Under would like to wish all of you a very merry Christmas as well! (cool pic courtesy of the clever folks at Zoolatry)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Being good

Monday, December 22, 2008
Missing friend alert

Her mum is going crazy trying to find her, and her other doglings (Thunder, JoJo and Bow) are missing her terribly as well. She is microchipped and has her name, her parents' names and a phone number on a tag on her collar. Here are the links to her dogster page, and to her blog. If you think you might have seen Stormy, please contact her mum through the blog coz she'd really like to get her home for Christmas!

Sunday, December 21, 2008
My tongue
I don't know if I have shown you my amazing ability to poke my tongue out at mum when she follows me around with the flashy beast. Here are my latest two efforts:

that's enough photos now thanks,
Saturday, December 20, 2008
My friend Ozzie the Ozmonster has given me an award. He's one of the cutest pups you'll ever see and you should go visit him sometime :) My best friend Zimmie and Stormy, Ammy and Dave - the Army of Four - also gave me this award this week. They are the coolest pups ever!
"This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
Eight more bloggers are to get this award! Okay here's my list:
Thanks again Ozzie and the Army of Four - I'm very proud to receive this award!

Eight more bloggers are to get this award! Okay here's my list:
Thanks again Ozzie and the Army of Four - I'm very proud to receive this award!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Important reading
My friend Max the Psychokitty wrote a book! It's positively the best book I've ever read. Mine arrived in the mail last weekend and I have made mum read it twice. Dad has read it once so far and has taken it to work to spread the important news in the book around his office. I recommend you get one for your parents to read too (if you click on the book below it will take you to the page to show you how to order it).
I will be giving mum and dad a test this weekend to make sure they have learned all the lessons from the book. I hope they've been paying attention.

there will be a test
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Helping around the house part 2
Here's a tip I learned from my best friend Zim. When mum is making the bed, she REALLY appreciates it if you offer to help. I said I would hold the doona (duvet, quilt, comforter) down for her while she put clean sheets on the bed. Mum said she didn't know what she would do without me so I must have been a big help!
And the rumours about a Huffle-sized cave in the doona later are completely false!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Vicious Table
You won't believe this but the other night I was just hanging out, sitting next to the coffee table, when it jumped out and attacked me! I had to get my revenge.
Then mum asked me what I was doing. Huh? No, I'm not attacking the table mum.
Then I just sat here with this cute pose so no-one would suspect our coffee table is a killer. I'll be keeping my eye on it, don't you worry.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
My dear friend Fin tagged me for the 6th photo meme. Here are the rules:
It looks very nice but I wasn't allowed to go so I don't think it was that good. Hmph. Okay I don't know who has played and who hasn't so if you haven't played this game, and would like to, please do! Let me know so I can check out your 6th pictures.
- Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.
- Go to the 6th Folder and then pick the 6th Picture.
- Post it on your bloggy and tell the story that goes with the picture.
- Tag 5 other glorious peoples to do the same thing and leave a comment on their bloggy tellin' them 'bout it.

Monday, December 15, 2008

- Put the logo on your blog or post.
- Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
- Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
- Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
- Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Really had enough of this
I don't know why people follow me around. I was upstairs on mum and dad's bed, having a late evening nap before bedtime, and they BOTH came upstairs to torture me. Mum had the flashy beast and dad was annoying me by rubbing my belly.
I jumped off the bed and sat in the corner but mum got this picture of me. Do you think I look happy?
Then I got sick of the flashy beast so I walked away.
Then I sat out on my balcony and glared at mum. I think she got the message because she went away after this.
I jumped off the bed and sat in the corner but mum got this picture of me. Do you think I look happy?
Then I got sick of the flashy beast so I walked away.
Then I sat out on my balcony and glared at mum. I think she got the message because she went away after this.
that's enough photos now thanks
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Laying in the sun
On the weekends dad spends a lot of time at his computer at home. He has his own PC; mum and I have the iMac. Anyway, for ages now the phone line that the interweb is plugged in to has been giving them problems. I'm part working breed, being an Honorary Husky, so I had to help dad out the other day by holding down the pesky phone line.
After all that hard work I was really tired so I had to have a nap. Wake me when it's dinner time please.

Friday, December 12, 2008
Hiding Huffle
Thursday, December 11, 2008
My balcony
I love my balcony. It opens off mum and dad's bedroom upstairs, but they never go out there. I love it. Especially in the afternoon because that's when the sun shines straight on it. It would be good if mum would put a water bowl and maybe a snack plate out there for me!
As soon as I hear the door to my balcony being opened, I run straight to it and wait to go out there. I like to lay out there and be all toasty.
As soon as I hear the door to my balcony being opened, I run straight to it and wait to go out there. I like to lay out there and be all toasty.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
My weirdo brother
Monday, December 8, 2008
Not talking to mum
She chased me around last night for that photo she said she needed. I hoped dad would help me out but it turns out he was on her side! They caught me and tortured me with the flashy beast. Mum said it was for a good reason that I would be able to reveal soon but I'm not so sure. I stayed under the doona until they left for work this morning, just to be sure they couldn't chase me again. Hmph.
i need help,
that's enough photos now thanks
Sunday, December 7, 2008
No-picture Sunday
I have heard mum muttering about a "photo shoot" and "needing a photo" for something. I don't know what she could be talking about, she already tortured me with a Christmas Card photo shoot last weekend.
So today I'm hiding out, and I've got dust and leaves all over my furs so she won't take any photos of me. Do you think it will work?
So today I'm hiding out, and I've got dust and leaves all over my furs so she won't take any photos of me. Do you think it will work?
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Do Gooding for Christmas
Our Queen has decreed that we should all contribute to this worthy cause. Help Iams (makes of food for pups and kitties) rescue over 1 million pets from shelters and find loving homes this holiday season. When these pets have been freed, they will join the ranks of HULA and help Meeshka take over the world. Its a "WIN - WIN!"
Friday, December 5, 2008
Toasty Paws Update
Even though Summer has started here in Australia, it has not been very warm this week. So I thought I would give you all a refresher course on toasty paws. As a lot of you are heading into Winter, it's probably a timely reminder anyway.
If there is a sunbeam somewhere, the best way to stay toasty is to have your paws in the sun. The toastiness will flow up your legs and keep you nice and warm. This is quite an advanced pose, so you must practice a lot.
It is also good if you can put your tail in the sun for extra toastiness.
If there is a sunbeam somewhere, the best way to stay toasty is to have your paws in the sun. The toastiness will flow up your legs and keep you nice and warm. This is quite an advanced pose, so you must practice a lot.

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Huzzy Wednesday
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tuesday Close Up
Monday, December 1, 2008
Christmas Card outtakes
Mum was trying to get a photo of me for a christmas card yesterday. I remembered Stormy's lessons about not posing for photos and this is the result.
There are many, many more photos like this one. Maybe if some ham had been on offer I might have been more obliging.

that's enough photos now thanks
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