So after all my clawing and howling and head-butting, mum has finally got the message and installed photoshop for me. I now proudly present... the Cat Pack logo!

I know when I mentioned it a few months ago some of you said you wanted to join the cat pack so you can paw me an email at hufflemawson AT gmail DOT com (I think you know what I mean) and I will send you the logo as well.
I have used a cat that none of my friends look like so no-one can complain about favouritism :)
What? No martini?
Looks yummi save for a few misspellings -
Would look much better as Khat Pakhk -
But I'm biased -
That is the coolest! I think that's what I'd look like if I was a cat - what do you think?
Play bows,
PS: I'll be emailing you!
Wow - I must email you - it's so cool - Are you a very very smart Kitty-Kat
Mama, Carolina and MrSippi
Thor and Marco aren't here - come see the new pictures!
Khool graphic!!! But, you are the khoolest khat I know! Well, along with Tia and Wilbur of khourse!
Almost makes me wish I was a khat. I can almost hear Dean and Frank singing.
Princess Eva
I have to remember to have Mom email you!
WOO! nice job Huffle!
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