It's Monday morning which means mum and dad have gone to work and I am left to my own devices in the house. What should I do?
Let's face it, I'll probably end up doing this:

Somepuppy's comments yesterday suggested that Salvador and I should pose for a picture together. Let me tell you right now that is never going to happen. He doesn't like me and only comes near me to hit me. So I stay away from him. If Lola or Ammy want to come over and "play" with him, please feel free! I'll be home every evening this week to open the front door. And this is a pup-friendly house, mum loves pups and so does dad.
Wow, its monday there already? Can you tell me what the winning lotto numbers are over here so I can pack my squeeky toys and find a nicer house?
Someone???I wonder who that could be.
Princess Eva
That's what I try to do most of every day. That and eat. What else is there...?
I think having a nice nap on the bed is a great way to spend the day!
Hi Huffle! It's me - Ammy, Zimmie's sister. We have friends coming over tomorrow and I'm pretty sure after they leave, Zim's going to try to find Mom's car keys. He's going to drive me to your house so I can take care of Salvador for you. If I have this right... we head for the Pacific Ocean, then turn left?
See you soon!
Don't furget me!!
I'll help - I love to khare of khreatures like THAT!!!
PeeEssWoo: that's how I spent my afternoon !
I'll have to coordinate with Ammy when she gets the keys. We'll be happy to take care of that pesky Salvador.
Loving Life,
Lady Lola
Salvador sounds like Wilbur.
Sorry, I had to get Kat off the computer. Salvador is nothing like me.
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