This photo is from last Saturday. That day, it reached 46 deg C outside. That is very hot, pups and kitties, too hot even for an explorer cat. But I was determined to still lay in the sun. So I went into the garage and found this lovely sunbeam to lie in. It was toasty warm, but not as hot as being outside.
And for those of you who guessed that I was up on the kitchen table the other day, you were right! Mum never lets me get up there and to be honest I've never been that interested in getting up there but that day I was sitting on mum's lap at the table and thought I would go and explore. I didn't find any ham so I probably won't bother getting up there again.
46. Ouch. That's very, very hot. Olivia would like that though. She also loves being in the sun. It must be a house panther thing.
Huffle, that's a cool picture, it almost looks as if it were black & white. Is that 46 Celsius? That is HOT!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Personally, I think that you should continue to investigate the kitchen table. Someday there will be ham there. Maybe not today, but someday. . .I'm sure of it!
In ham we trust,
At what temperture do WOO begin to oooooooze?
Yikes!!!!!!! 46C is just way too hot!!! We complain if we get 35C!!!!
We depend on the sea breezes to keep us comfy,but sometimes it gets humid
I hope you get some cooler weather soon. At least you have a comfy spot to lay in :)
Purrs Mickey
I think you should be able to explore any where you want to.
Ok, sun beams are really nice, but 46? We think 46F is hot, much less 46C (which our furry brains say is 115F - Ouch!)
Hey Huffle, most of the time we find the best treats UNDER the table, especially if the baby bipeds are around.
Enjoy the sun, we like to nap in it too.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Well some kitties don't know when to come out of the sun. dad says we're too stupid to do the Centigrade/Celcius stuff here. he says that the whole country tried it a few decades back so we'd be in e tune with the rest of the world; it didn't work - TOO HARD. Because he was a pilot he had to know about that stuff like the rest of the world. We are sorry that the fires are so bad. The big picture on all the newspapers here is a CFD fireman sharing a bottle of water with an injured Koala Bear; it really shows that famous Aussie spirit. Y'all survive this. Stay safe and stay off the kitchen table.
Mahvelous sunbeam there Huffle! Don't forget suntan turnouver time!
We don't know how you coped, Huffle. Was the humidity ok? The humidity sends us into hibernation mode.
We are not allowed to be on top of the eating table either. But we love to jump up there.
We're still waiting for it to get to 46F here. But a nice sunbeam is always good for napping.
Princess Eva
No Ham! What a gip
Yikes Huffle, that is hot!!! Stay cool sweetie!
ps - Thanks for the positive thoughts for my Mommy
Wow, it's practically bakin' down there, Huffle. You could turn into a Huffle-cake if you're not careful.
AAAACK! You're right! It's grey! I had no idea when I was posting..I didn't deliberately change anything-I fixed it! Thanks for tellin' me!
We think its pretty cool how woo found the sun but still have most of your lovely self in the shade! Good trick!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
46 degrees - yikes!
Thank you for entering our Name the Wabbit competition. We made £29 for the Hillside Animal Sanctuary the the winning name was Hopkins entered by Sunny's Mommy.
That sunbeam looks sooooooooo inviting! Would you share it with me?
As more proof that I'd make a great honorary cat (Fin left me a message endorsing my idea!), when I first got here, I thought it was OK to get up on the dining room table! Hey, how did I know? I thought it was a hill. And the centerpiece....well, oddly we don't have that any more. Anyway, whatcha say, Huffs?
Play bows,
Whoa, dat's hot! We would burst into flames in dat kinda heat...okay, maybe not, but it would be way to hot.
You look good in that sunbeam, Huffle! We hope it cools down soon!
Is the garage floor nice and cool, so you can stay cool while still sunning yourself?
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