It's been very very hot this week, pups and kitties. Over 40C (102F) every day. I've spent a bit of time in my parsley pot:

But mostly I've been inside where it's a bit cooler. Mr Mouse has still not been behaving that well so I've had to teach him a few lessons. Hopefully he will learn something useful soon!

Mum and I have signed up for the
Idita-Walk 2009, with some of the SMS mums and pups. She says she will be getting me my very own Huffle harness so we can go on walks together. I am not sure how I feel about this yet. The idea is:
An event to promote physical fitness in the spirit of the Iditarod Sled Dog Race. The Iditarod Sled dog race is 1049 miles long from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska. To complete the Idita-walk, walk 30 minutes a day for 35 days between February 1, 2009 to March 31, 2009 for a total of 1049 minutes.
Hi Huffle,
Your very own harness! I think you'll like it. Kelly's brother has a lot of cats and a few of them go for walks on a leash.
The parsley patch looks outstanding.
Exkhuse me....
Isn't the parsley pot OUTSIDE IN THE SUN???????
Hey, Huffle . . .Can we join you? That sounds like a fun idea to me and a good challenge to go everyday without fail!
I think a little Huffle harness would be the bee's knee's!
We had to delete and repost because Boru can't type. We will try again:
A few points if we may. Isn't the Iditarod race run in somewhat cooler temperatures than your area seems to be experiencing this time of year? If the Idita-Walk is 1049 minutes compared to 1049 miles, wouldn't you have to walk at a mile a minute to make it comparable? Can you and your mom walk at 60 miles per hour = 1 mile per minute? The ASPCA and PETA aren't big fan's of the sled race cause sometimes the dogs seem mistreated and they suffer physically (just from newspaper reports we've read). So Huffle, don't let yourself be mistreated and try not to have your mom suffer during this Idita-Walk. Post your progress and don't slip out of your harness.
- TBH 9Boru at the keyboard; wise feline sage of The Bumpass Hounds)
Huffle in the Parsley Pot - sounds like a great title for a book. Question for woo, does the parsley ever grow and who eats it? Well, that's two questions.
Hope it cools down soon for all of woo.
Woos, the OP Pack
Huffle!! Woo is adorable in the parsley pot! But woo needs to stay inside where it is cooler! We don't want woo to overheat!! HaRooo roooo roooo!!!
Mya Boo Boo
Huffle-Huffle, it is too bloomin' 'OT! Your brain is gonna boil in your brainpan if you walk so much in these hots! Don't do eeeet!
Wow, that is hot. Keep cool!
Huffle, we're impressed that you have a parsley pot to sit in - our Mum's brown thumb hasn't let her grow much that's edible in our garden. The heat has been incredible this week, but we like that it's not 40 degrees today - mid-30's is way better. Hope you get to cool down a little today,
Gypsy & Tasha
Gee Huffle,that sounds interesting,but do you really want to walk 30 minutes a day for 35 days?????
It's good for your Mom,heehee, maybe you can go in a stroller ;) I think being inside would be best.It looks very hot in that box!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Hi Huffle!
I don't know why that weather man gives all the warm stuffs to one place and all the cold snowy stuffs to others! I keep telling him to mix it up a little but he doesn't listen to me! I could sure use some of that sunshine and I bet you could use some cold snow to cool down! I think you will have a great time on your walks!
:) Tibby
Maybe they should call it the Iditacat walk? Stay chilly.
Whew! I don't know whether I hate the cold or the hot weather the most. Stay inside where it is cool.
I meant to tell you that I just love your new header!
Maybe it would be better if she just got you one of those enclosed stroller things.
We think the stroller would be the best way to do the walk! Maybe an air conditioned one!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Huffle, we'll take a little of that heat up here, please!
Every time Mommy puts my harness on me, I lie down on the floor, refuse to walk, and play Houdini by trying to get out of it. She even bought me a Puppia soft harness since they look like they are the most comfortable, but I still hate it. I hope you have much better luck, because walking outdoors looks like lots of fun.
I'd love to come lay in that parsley with you! Do you ever eat any of it?
Play bows,
PS: I'll bet you'll look COOL in a harness! I mean ... you ARE an honorary husky!
A Huffle Harness? Have you started your own line, Huffle? We keep forgetting you are so far away and your weather is so different! 102 sounds wicked hot! Stay hydrated!
PS: Your header is pawesome!
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