This is the new mouse that
Charlie and Opy's mum and dad brought me on the weekend. Isn't he cool? He has this string that you pull and he runs around - it makes it even more fun to chase!

Now late yesterday, I was looking for Mr Mouse. I found him here:

upside down, behind the coat rack in our lounge! How do you suppose he got like that? Do you think the evil squirrels infiltrated our house and attacked Mr Mouse?
Wouldn't surprise me one bit!
We know how evil they are!
Looks like he might be hiding from you!
Absolutely! They are not to be trusted. I'm happy to report we don't have them in my neighborhood... somepuppy or somekitty scared them off.
Did you kick Mr. Mouse to the curb after you got the new mouse?
Hey Huffle.
It mighta been little green alien retrievers or, perhaps Salvador.
That sounds just like the work of evil squirrels! Just in case the squirrels are hiding in your lounge, maybe you should sneak in there and act like a Ninja kitty to scare them off. And, make sure your mom is watching so she knows how well you are protecting her.
Wow. You don't think Mr. Mouse was hittin' the silly sauce, do you?
Your new mouse looks cool. You should have your mom video you chasing it around!
Play bows,
Do you think it's wrong that I was drooling just a bit? You have yourself what I call a scooty mouse!!
Mr. Mouse was probably jealous and tried to oust the new mouse. Of course, you can never rule our Evil Squirrel.
Maybe if you wait long enough, you have lots of litttle meeces running around!
Meaaroooow(best cat impression)
Maybe he just got tired and needed a quiet place to nap. I would do that if I had to run across the floor a lot. That, or bite someone. Most likely hide and sleep, though...
Oh, poor Mr. Mouse, do you think he was trying to sneak into Mum's coat pocket because he thought he had been replaced? Better give him some extra attention to make him feel better.
Woos, the OP Pack
That's the thing about mousies, you never know where you will find them!
That mouse looks great!! Very realsitic!!
Fiesty little devil though!
Those squirrels will go to any length to reek havoc! Cool new mousie, can we please see you chasing it?
Woos & a-roos,
Star &Jac a-ro
Squirrels are a possibility, but what if Poo-Face Salvador was responsible?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!! You may have to question Mr Mouse . It's hard to sat what happens during the night!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Let me know Huffle, and I will bark over and get those darn squirrels. There are too many in these parts, so I have my paws full at the moment, but I will make some time to chase some Aussie ones especially for you!
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