The other day I was out on my balcony. Just watching the world go by. A cat has to snoopervise sometimes, you know. Nothing very exciting was happening in my street, although there were some noisy kids out there. They went away after a while though.
Huffle, the other day, I was watching my world from the front window and I saw a black cat pooping in my front yard. Was that you? If so, can you poop in the backyard next time so I can smell it?
Its a good thing your neighborhood has you to keep an eye on things.
Kind of like me and my trees!
Just sit
Take it all in!
PeeEssWoo: and look fur KHATS!
Did you give them a hard look to make those loud kids go away?
Hi Huffle!
You did a good job watching your street. Too bad nothing interesting was happening!
Neighborhood watch - we support you!
Be careful and don't fall off. It must be a nice warm summer day there instead of a cold winter day here.
Keep up the good work. Your folks would be proud of you for protecting their loot.
How nice, you get to sit and watch from the balcony!
You are a great snoopervisor, but you sure make me nervous on that balcony.
Ya know, ya just gotta keep an eye on things. Never know when something intristing might happen.
Good you were out there checking!
It's a good idea to keep an eye on noisy kids- you never know what they'll get up to next!
Sitting and watching is the best thing sometimes!
I am sorry to read your Mum has not been well, send her get well licks from me!
lotsaluv Marvin xxxxx
You're an excellent sentry, Huffle!
Play bows,
At first we thought it was *scooping* out the street. We had visions of a litter box incident or a freak snow storm.
Scoping makes sense now. Go get another cup of coffee PM!
Purrs Goldie, Shade and Banshee
Your balcony looks like the top of my deck. I love to sit there and watch everything!
Huffle, the other day, I was watching my world from the front window and I saw a black cat pooping in my front yard. Was that you? If so, can you poop in the backyard next time so I can smell it?
Yes, I agree!! Snoopervising is an ongoing job :) It's good you got out to keep an eye on the kids ;)
Purrs Mickey
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