These are some of my mouses. I think both of them came from Charlie and Opy's mum and dad! I don't know what has gotten into MrMouse lately - every time the pupparazzi come around he is nowhere to be seen! He is not being a very good bodyguard and I am a bit worried. Do you think he is being paid by the pupparazzi?
I think he's looking for a management position. Have all of your Mr. Mouses work as a security team and I'm sure that he'd be happy to be the team leader.
Princess Eva
Do woo think he might be jealous of your new mouse furiends?
Wait till woo see what Mom saw today - but woo have to wait until tomorrow.
Woos, the OP Pack
Maybe he's a traitor!
He did come to you by way of furry beast.
That layabout! I can't believe it! I thought I'd trained him better than that!!! Maybe Eva's right - maybe he wants to snoopervise the other mousies? I just don't know!
Let me know if I need to have a talk with him.
Play bows,
Have you checked the cheeze?
Oh I think those pupparazzi are very devious!!!!!! They probably gave him cheese or peanut butter :o
Purrs Mickey
Another blog visit and yet more wisdom from Princess Eva!
WHAT she pawed!
Your mouses look fun to play with.
I agree you should check the cheese or maybe the peanut butter. hehe
OK Huffle,
We got 2 questions:
1. How many mices does y'all got anyway?
2. Why has not y'all already fired the Mr. Mouse that's supposed to keep the puppaRATcees away cuz he does not appear to be doing very well at that task.
He must be a government mouse.
Yep...we bet the pupparazzi paid him well...watch out...you just can't trust a rodent...
It's possible Mr. Mouse is tipping the paps off about your location. Have you seen any quotes about you from 'insiders' lately? That is a big warning sign!
Ut oh....a missing mousie! Did he defect to the other side??
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Maybe he is just tired of the pupparazi and wants some private time with you.
The new little gray fella, well he reminds me of My Mousey and I think I have a little crush on the little guy. Does he smell like nip? No don't tell me... I feel myself swooning.
The Pupparazzi will pay top dollar to get access to you Huffle. Watch out for Mr Mousie suddenly having lots of new accessories!
I think Mr. Mouse is a RAT...uh, informant...for the pupparazzi. I would keep a very close eye on him if I were you.
I think you may have figured it out! The pupparazzi are evil!
Royal Kisses, KSB
Dem paparatzi, dey is evil. Check mousies bref for cheeze and peenut butter.
Meow Meow Huffle
Well, we think MrMouse needs to be replaced because someone is paying him off!
Carolina, Mama and the boy, MrSippi
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