HM: How long does it take for the cookies to arrive, once they’ve been ordered?
GD: I usually start working on them the day after they are ordered, some orders take me 3 days to make, and when I receive payment, I ship the cookies out. How soon you receive them depends on where you live and how far they have to be shipped. On an average, I would say about 5 days after I receive your check, if not sooner. It only takes longer if the evil squirrels highjack the delivery truck. We had this incident happen not long ago on an order going to Washington State and someone they ended up on a truck to Georgia. It was very traumatic for our friend Steve, and his sister Kat broke this story.

GD: I ship them UPS or FedEx. Unfortunately the postal service is not very dependable.
HM: Do you bake every batch fresh?
GD: YES!!! If there are cookies left from an order, MayaMarie, Missy and Bella will get them.
HM: How long do the cookies last?
GD: I have to put 30 days because they are food and do not have chemical preservatives in them. That’s why I have to refrigerate them. They will last months in the refrigerator and freezer. I keep some in the refrigerator and freezer and every time you open one of those doors, somepup thinks it’s cookie time. I do keep some of them in a plastic container on the kitchen counter and they have lasted way longer than 3 weeks. But, honestly, in my house, cookies don’t last because my three furry helpers love to eat them.
HM: What’s the best way to store them?
GD: In the ziplock bag in the refrigerator or freezer. And the pups really like them cold out of the fridge or freezer.

HM: Can they be frozen?
GD: Yes, we have quite a number of customers that freeze their HH cookies. I was recently informed that a certain husky boy comes running when his mom opens the freezer door, as the thinks it is time for a HH cookie.
HM: Are gift certificates available?
GD: Yes! That was a popular item during the howlidays (thanks to the suggestion of MFT).
HM: Will you bake cookies and send them as gifts?
GD: Oh yes. I’ve had quite a few requests for gift orders. Those are the most fun and I do personalize the cookie cake and some very large cookies.

HM: Can you include a little gift card from me if I want to send cookies as a gift to somepup or kitty?
GD: Most definitely. I create a very cute gift card that I personalize for the sender and I get approval of what you want it to say. I even have paw print stamps so that I can add that personal touch for a kitty or pup. And I always include a special cookie gift with the order.

HM: Have you ever sold any cookies for kitties?
GD: Not yet. I know Wilbur has eaten the Salmon/Cheddar cookies and his mom said he liked them.
HM: Would you be able to adapt them at all for us?
GD: I would like to. I have to do some research and see what food stuffs are good for and safe for kitties.
HM: Do you make a size cookie that would be good for training purposes?
GD: I’m working on that. The problem is finding a small heart shaped cookie cutter that cuts more than one cookie. Something small but tasty. Of course, you would choose the flavor.

HM: I’ve also heard that you can make giant cookie cakes! Can you tell me a bit more about those?
GD: I call it a “Party Pack” and you will now have a choice of either one 8” cookie cake or two 5” cookie cakes, along with an assortment (about 125) of different heart shaped cookies. I even have little alphabet cookie cutters that I will put a message for that special on the cake or personalize the smaller size cake cookies.
HM: And finally, what form of payment do you accept?
GD: Right now check or money order.
So there you have it folks, an exclusive interview with the lovely Gerri, founder of Happy Hearts Cookies. You can contact her by clicking on the weblink, or you can email her. Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the competition!
Part 2 is as pawesome as Part 1!
Great job HM!
Whenever we get ours, we put one bag in the magikh khold box. The rest go in the magikh kholder sekhtion of the box!
Yummmmmm! I'm droolin' now thinking of my HAPPY HEARTS!
Happy Hearts are THE best!!! We have some in the freezer in the garage, some in the freezer in the kitchen, and always some ready to serve from the cookie jar. We don't know what we did before we found Happy Hearts.
Thanks for spreading the word about this awesome treat.
Woos, the OP Pack
Great interview! this will give Gerri some practice for when the "biped interviews" begin & HH hit the big-time!
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Those were two great interviews Huffle! You are a natural talent!!!!
Purrs Shade
Huff, we fink you should be a reporter when you're really growed up becos that was excellent!
Well... it's true. Every time Mom opens the freezer, there's a CHANCE she could be getting us some Happy Hearts cookies... so I come running in and stick my snooter in there! Woooo!
I've heard the HH cookies are WOO-nderful. I sent some to the Ao4 and they were snapped up so quickly, there was hardly time to photograph them enjoyin' 'em!
The cookies sound yummalicious! ...and the cakes too!
Drools and Licks xo
The more I read about these cookies the more my mouth waters, they sound lovely.
Thank you for sharing with us.
Hugs GJ x
Excellent part two! I can't wait for the contest. I need more Happy Hearts. If I win, please address the box only to me so I don't have to share with Kat and my mom doesn't put the cookies in the freezer and ration them. I'll keep them as my secret stash.
I NEED a HH cookie now... brb! Mmmmm tasty! What a great two part interview. We think everyone needs to order some :)
Do happy heart cookies have salmon in them?
Wow, these sound great -- I have now read the whole interview. Louisiana is close to us! We will have to give them a try for sure.
This was a great interview Huffle! I certainly admire your interviewing skills. I need to share this info with John and Kelly so that I can get me some HH cookies!!!!
Thanks for the second part of your interview!
It is very interesting!
Kisses and hugs
I think you can taste the love in each Happy Hearts cookie.
Princess Eva
Hi Huffle! I heard about your Happy Hearts interview and I just had to read about them. This post made me so hungry! :) Thanks for the great interview!
Nice work Huffle.The cookies sounded even better in part 2.The gift card orders sound very cool,especially with a paw print.
Meow Meow My Dearest Huffle
I found a new way out of my house - I really believe we will be seeing me by the end of the month! Mom is going to post a picture of the secret door, you can figure out my plan. Thanks for the cookie update, Thor and MP are drooling about cookies as we speak!
Yours Forever! MrSippi
Heya Huffle,
Thview. We have a Happy Hearts ad on our blog cuz the Woos love 'em.
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