I showed you a photo last week of my old purple collar with the fishes on it. That collar was very old, I had it from nearly the day I arrived here over three years ago. On the weekend, mum decided to buy me a new collar!

This one is pink with little hearts all over it, and it says LOVE. I think this means mum and dad love me. Which is good. You can click on the photo to see it up closer if you want.
Oh, and that photo is from when mum was trying to take photos of her new shoes, and I was snoopervising her. I'm very helpful like that.
That is the BEST picture of your mom's new shoes!!!
Your new collar is very cool.
I'm used to seeing you in purple, but pink is really nice on you!
Play bows,
HI Huffle!
Your new collar looks lovely on you! I have lots of collars, I guess that means my Owners love me lots too!
:) Tibby
It is furry nice BUT I miss woo being a member of the Purple Khollar Khlub!
Very cute collar, Huffle. You sure know how to accessorize!
Nice collar. We get new collars a lot, but that has something to do with us chewing each other's up a lot.
Nice collar!!!!!!! :)
It's good to help Moms,they need it a lot ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Pink suits you very well. We actually thought it was diamond studded until we bigified it. We do like you in purple too but it is nice to have a change.
Woos, the OP Pack
OMG! You have a pink collar too! How pretty! I like the hearts!
What a cute collar! I prefer to go natural.
You have the advantage, Huffle, of having black fuhr and when you have that, EVERY color looks beautiful on you (except black, of course). I would guess they must love you too, but just because you are loveable you!
Stella and Ali Z
Hi, Huffle!
Your new collar is beautiful!
You are a good supervisor!
Kisses and hugs
The pink is pretty but now it doesn't match your bed. Did you get a new matching bed too?
Princess Eva
Furry pretty new collar, Huffle. Pink is a good color on woo. It's good to be loved! : )
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Huffle, your collar is beautiful. But I think everything goes great with basic, classic black!
Ohhhhhhhhh a new collar and new shoes. You girls have been splashing out!!
I love your collars, very smart there Huffle.
Such a pretty collar Huffle! It looks good with your pretty furs. My dad bought me my last collar (the other one broke) and he got a blue one...nice but I am a girl kitty. Oh well, I live in a house will all males excepty my mom.
I understand that your seasons are opposite of ours...but ours is not cooperating this year...it is suppose to be warm by now, but we saw snow flurries over the weekend.
We biggified the picshure to check out your new collar and we can now report it's offishully gorgeous. We're glad your beans love you - thes things are very impawtant.
We love you too - smooches!
Hi Huffle! We love your new pink collar! It looks very nice on you. But we like the purple one, too.
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
That's a super cute collar, Huffle. It's good to hear you and your mum got to do some fun shopping:)
Oh Huffle, yoor new collar is beyootiful. What a great job of snoopervising yoo were doing! Bet yoor mom really 'preeshiated da help.
Oooooh, very nice, Huffle. I'm all in favor of things PINK! Of course Tipper is jealous 'cause you switched from purple to pink. Purple is her color. Pink is mine!!!
Your friend
How pretty. Mamma loves purple, but we all agree the Pink looks nice on your black furs. They sure do love you.
Very pretty collar! My collar is getting a bit ratty. I wonder if I can get a new one by saying that you got a new one.
Huffle, that's a real pretty collar!
ooo pretty collar! I think it means your mommy and daddy love you lots too. The pink is a good color for you.
Why would your mommy want a picture of her new shoes without you in it? Bizarre.
What a great new collar!! Mom has ordered me two from Tibby's mom!
We like your new collar, Huffle! Wally has a collar that sez Cool Cat and I got one that's animal print!
We don't have any collars. What does that say about us????
I may have to demand one.
Purrs Shade
We don't have collars either, but it's very nice, the new one. We think we liked the old one better though - because of the fishes.
Boy, it's the twin Imeldas. Your mum collects shoes and you collect collars. Such fashion statements you two are.
That collar looks great on you Huffle! My mum likes it a lot too. None of the kitties in our house get to wear collars, as my sisters never had to, but now mum is thinking that collars might be a good idea. I hope she gets me a purple one. Your pink one is really nice but maybe would look better on one of my sisters. :)
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