Some of you have been asking about my lovely purple collar, so here is a close up shot of it for you. It has fishes on it that are reflective, so they glow when mum uses the flashy beast or if I ever get out the front door and in some car headlights (I haven't made it very far out the front door yet but I just KNOW there is something good out there I need to explore. I definitely haven't run out in front of any cars, so don't worry).
Defintely a sharp and flashy collar. The purple is perfect for you and what a great feature the glow in the dark fish are!
No, don't make a run for the street, Huffle, Ali Z did once and it took her five days to find her way home. She was OK, but I was so afraid for her. I looked everywhere, but she finally found her own way home.
Furry nice!
The reflekhtive strip does make it a challenge fur our mums/moms and their flashie beasts!
We love your purple collar! And we hope you never hafta use those reflective fishes by stepping in front of a car! That would not be good!
I like the fishies on your collar! I think that I need a signature color. I always thought that it would be red--lately, I've been considering orange. What do you think?
That flashy collar is just the perfect color against your beautiful silky fur. Huffle, please be a good kitty and don't go out that front door. Worse things than the flashy beast are out there.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Furry sharp collar, Huffle. We like the fishies too. Just a woo of advice... kitties should not go out running in the street. please stay home.
woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Hi, Huffle!
Your collar is pawesome!
Don't even thing about on going out! I don't want something bad happens to you!
Kisses and hugs
what an awesome collar, I love the reflective fish scales. so cool =)
Nice collar. Very pretty with your glossy black fur. I never wear one.
P.S. Daisy says she would love it if you entered her contest. She likes kitties a lot, so would be glad to meet more kitties, or puppies or anyone you want to introduce.
I've never had a collar.
That is one cool collar! My mom bought me a pretty blue one that looked nice against my fur. But I hated it! I made her take it off!
That is an awesome collar! where did you get it? I think my little sister needs one, cause she's always out streetwalking, bringing back bad characters.
Sammie (and Oz, in case you forgot!)
What a gorgeous collar!!
I love the collar. It looks great against your furs!
Huffle, I hope you stay inside away from those big cars.
What a furry pretty collar. Our Mamma is very fond of purple and black together, so she loves your collar too. The fishies on it are so cute.
We understand you are an explorer cat by nature... we just don't want anything bad to happen to you. "Let's be careful out there..."
We always thought that your collar is the perfect color for you.
Don't go running out the front door. It's a dangerous world out there for 4-footed creatures.
Princess Eva
It's a wonderful colour on you, Huffle. We like your reflective fishies, too:)
Very nice collar. We don't wear collars at all - but we do have micro chips just in case we ever get lost.
Oh very nice that collar, but please dont go out where there are cars. No No No.
Hugs GJ x
Hi Huffle! I did notice that pretty purple collar and I think you look so pretty in it. I had no idea it had reflecting fishies on it - wow!
See ya!
Very sharp looking collar. We like it.
And do avoid the cars.
My collar has flowers on it. It is not manly at all. At least Mom got rid of the pink heart name tag and got me a respectable round stainless steel one.
You do purple proud, Huffle.
Oooooooooo!!!! That IS a cool collar!! We really like the fishes :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
You just stay in the house wif yourz momma cuz dat is da bestest place fur a kitty ta stay safe. I can tell yourz momma l♥ves you. So you wear your collar and stay inside were you will be happy fur a long, long time.
Purple is a great colour for us panthers. My mum bought me a purple harness, though I've only worn it twice. I especially like the fishies on your collar!
Nice collar. We've noticed it before of course, because Luna has a purple collar, too. But we didn't see the fish. That's a nice touch.
With fishes!! How cool.
Heya Huffle,
That's a fine looking purple collar and it simply accentuates your beautifulness. We like the shiny reflective dead fish skelton ghosts. Our cats aren't allowed collars. They used to have really nice ones but one day Boru hung himself by his collar from the top of one of the dog crates. He was hung like in the cowboy movies and thrashing around trying to get loose. Fortunately (?) mom and dad were in the room. Dad had to hold Boru to get his weight off of his neck but they couldn't get the collar unhooked so mom had to run down to the kitchen and get a sharp knife to cut through the collar. Dad's arms were pretty bloody from Brusey thrashing about with his claws out trying to save himself. No more collars allowed since then.
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