My Huffle Duffel has arrived! Look, here it is! My best friend
Zim's mum makes bags and things and I asked her to make me a
Huffle Duffel (which was
named after me, how cool is that?) for me to keep my mouses in. It got delivered this week!

But look what was inside! Zimmie sent me some presents! This one is a kitty wubba, which has a bell inside and the legs make a crinkly noise when I attack them. It's very cool. Mum already has a video of me playing with this, I'll show you that soon.

This is a little Siberian puppy! Zim wrote me my very own card and part of his message said that maybe the puppy could step in for Bazza if I need a new bodyguard. I think that's a great idea. Now we just have to think of a name for the puppy. I want to call it Zim but mum thinks she might get confused. What do you think?

Here is my Huffle Duffel sitting inside my purple Huffle bed, stuffed with all my mouses, including the mousefish and the mouseduck. It's the perfect size.

Here's the view from the top.

And look, this is the card that Zim wrote to me. He has very nice pawmanship, I must say. He said it was a cool bug on the front and I have to agree! If we lived in the same country we could get together and chase bugs! Then have some catnaps.

Thank you
Zimmie and
Mum-o-Ao4! I love my Huffle Duffel and my presents!
Now THAT is a proper bodyguard - but don't be tooooo surprised if the both of woo end up sleeping a great deal!
The HD is furry nice!
Zim's extras are furry furry FURRY nice!
Oh, wow! Your Huffle Duffel looks PURRfect in your purple Huffle bed, stuffed with your mouses! How cool!
I can't wait to see the vid of you playing with your kitty Wubba. And I hope the Sibe puppy is good body guard material.
It would be so cool to hunt bugs with you, and go exploring, and take cat-naps in the sun!
Have fun with everything, Huffs!
Play bows,
what a great new bag. and so full already. =)
Possible names - Zimette? Zimpoco? Lil Zim? Slim Zim?
That Huffle Duffel is purrfectly pawsome!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Aw, your Huffle Duffle is way cute, especially stuffed with all your mousies! Great pressies & card, too. Your new sibe looks like an excellent bodyguard! Maybe wooo could just turn Zim's name around (since everything is turned around from us down under) and call it "MIZ"? Just a thought...
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Great bag and wonderful gifts, can't ask for a better package in the mail!!!
Of course, the huffle duffel is gorgeous - it came from the Ao4's Mom - she does such great work!!! And Star and Jackaroo have a great idea there for a name - MIZ - just pawfect!!
Woos, the OP Pack
Awesome duffel, and awesome gifts! Hey, is it incredibly cold and rainy over your way today? Definitely stay-in-bed weather, if you ask me.
Hi Huffle! I love your new Huffle Duffel! Your new little puppy pal is so cute. He kind of looks like a George to me.
See ya!
Hi, Huffle!
Your Huffle Duffel is pawesome!
I like the colors!
Zim sent you great toys too!
Enjoy them!
Kisses and hugs
That is cool - and purple too - your favourite colour!
A huffle duffle and a stuffed husky? What could be better (except, of course, a REAL husky!).
Oh that Huffle Duffle is the best! You look great with purple too!
What a cute little puppy. Is it a boy or a girl?
Princess Eva
Your Huffle Duffel is purrfect and Zimmie included really nice presents! His mommy is very talented!
Your mouses must feel very lucky to have such a nice bag to live in.
Thanks for the birthday wishes to mom and Sandusky! That Huffle Duffel is way cool! Great color! And you are so lucky! All those cool presents!
We love the Huffle Duffel ... that could catch on! It's really neat!
We like your new Sibe puppy BG. You could call him "Furoshus" !! Tee hee!
We can't wait to see your video.
That is some bag, I love it. The colour is beautiful. That little dog is so cute.I like the idea of star and jackaroo's to turn the name around.
You will have lots of fun with that leggy thing too.
Hugs GJ x
Very cool!
AND it was full of special gifts too!
That was so generous of those beautiful Sibes!
Chasing my tale...
Addie, Lucie, and Hailey
Hi Huff,
I've come over to dig the parsley pot! I don't need telling twice!
My vote is for making this guy your new body guard! I mean. . have you heard what great hunters we are? Nice huffle duffle!
What a great gift. It looks perfect for all your toys.
That's an ultra cool Huffle Duffle. Of course you'd get a Duffle from an Army guy. Maybe the Ao4 mom could make us a Max Sack. It would have to be about 100 times bigger that the Huffle Duffle. Your puppy has nice blue eyes so you could call him "Blue." But we have two better names for cute little puppies that intrude into your life. How about if we name your puppy and our puppy "Gone" and "Went?"
Hey, Huffle! What a very nice gift from Zim and his Mom. AO4 Mom is a great and skilled sewist!
The Huffle Duffle is doing good holding all your mousies and I love the new GardenGuy. I don't know what to call him or her, though. How about Brutus? How about a contest?
That Huffle Duffel IS perfect! If you get any more mice, you will have to get two bags!
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