I decided for a change to pose for a photo. This way, you can see my newest favourite spot to sit, behind dad's chair at his computer. It makes sure he doesn't forget about me.

See that container behind me? That's some of my food. It's in the living room because mum used the container to prop the door open one day, and she's never moved it since. Talk about lazy!
Great picture, Huffle! You should pose more often - you're so beautiful!
Great looking sunbeam, too.
Play bows,
Well, if it really bothers woo THAT much, use those paws fur something other than khlawing!
Lookin' good Huffle! That sunny spot looks like a great nap zone.
HaRooooo Huffle! Jest make sure your pa don't back his chair over woo. Sunny spots are great fur energizing one's self.
Husky kisses,
Oh. That sun looks toasty! Maybe I'll follow your lead and pose for some photos this weekend.
You have to pose every now and then to keep them guessing.
You've got sunbeams. Lucky you!
I've got those same cat biscuit...
The close proximity to sunshine AND to your dad makes that a perfect spot to sit. Maybe your mum really moved the food there so she could serve you snacks at a moments notice.
That is a great picture of you, Huffle. Maybe all you need to do now is to get Mum to bring your bowl out there too and then you can eat right near Dad too.
Woos, the OP Pack
Woo do look toasty!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Yur a great poser there Huffle! Woo shuld be a model-kittie - woo need an agent.
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-
With your velvety black fur, I'm sure you got really toasty. Don't forget to flip over occasionally.
Princess Eva
What a nice pose Huffle. Glad we got to see a new Huffle picture today.
You're a super model!
They use your food as a door stop?! We think you need to teach them a lesson.
Great pic!
Snoopervision, snacks and sunbeams- sounds like the perfect spot to relax:)
Well, that way if you want a snack at the computer, your food is very handy!
Head bonks from G&G
Dear Baked Cat,
You look VERY toasted, Huffle-huffle. I'll bet your furs are HOT! You're so pretty, you should pose more often.
The Sandy Man is mom's husband. He works on the other side of the world in a Very Sandy Place and comes home twice a year. The third time mom goes overseas to meet him somewhere. She's been to Italy 3 times, Dubai once, and Victoria, BC. The English Major is their beloved daughter and is graduating from University next weekend! W00t!
You look so relaxed and well posed. Those pictures will keep the beans happy. You are truly a handsome one.
HUgs GJ x
Huff - posing suits you!
Love Milo and Alfie xx
Nice picture Huffle. You look good!
Mom's always say we make a mess,but look how lazy they are ;)Not that it matters,we never feel guilty,heehee
Purrs Mickey
That's a handsome portrait of the elegant Huffle Mawson, Explorer Cat. The food container being left in place is probably more a matter of conveinence than laziness.
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