Anyhow, I was sitting on the edge of the table and mum was going to take a photo of me but I jumped! I was leaping for the couch and mum got this action shot of me. My back paws are still on the edge of the table and the rest of me is in the air! I could join the circus or something.
Great action shot, Huffle! And way to not cooperate for a photo!
Tail wags,
Our talents are sooooooo rubbing off on woo!
Good job, Huffle, but please don't join the circus unless your troupe brings the tour to OP. We would really miss you.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Great action shot Huffle. Of course your allowed on the table, we all are.
We can see the Husky - Doing what you want, avoiding the picture, etc.
Do you still have a bodyguard, Huffle? You might need one if you are going to be doing much flying.
Nice action picture!
Kisses and hugs
I'd like the Huffle action figure please.
Circus huh?
I can do a back flip. They are fun. Have you ever tried?
Wow, great action shot! Just don't join the flea circus!
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
Yur circus act culd be named - The Flying Amazing Kittie - Huffle!!
-da boyz, Cosmos & Juneau-
Hi Huffle - I have it on good authority that cats are good at squirrel control. Is this true? If so, I have a favor to ask... since you seem to be friendly with a lot of dogs, I thought you might be willing to help with a rodent situation that's been brewing. Please visit my blog and sign up to help if you can... and spread the word around too. We need all the help we can get. Thanks! Tank
P.S. Great action shot btw!!!
I see your back clawrs stickin' out, Huffle-ette!
That action shot is great.We like the close up of your beautiful black furs.
Cool action there Huffle!!
WOW! What an action shot! We're very impressed! But don't run away to the circus 'cos we'd miss you!
Oh so clever.. Your mum is realy clever getting that shot. You look so fit and sleek.
Hugs GJ xx
I love action shots like this. Vicki mainly catches action shots of me yawning.
Way to go Huffle! Always keep moving, and keep em' guessing!
Those are sibe rules!
She floats through the air with the greatest of ease,
The daring Huffle Mawson on her flying trapeze!
Yes, we definitely agree with the previous posters: you've learned your Husky-jedi tricks well, Huffle. Pretty soon you'll be howling when the delivery man comes.
Meow Meow Huffle
My Princess is a flying star! I never knew you could fly through the air! Please don't join the circus, I could never find you!
Your Prince, MrSippi
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