Back in the days when poo-face Salvador was around, I had to eat in a different part of the house. If dad fed us together Salvador would chase me away and then eat my dinner. So dad started feeding me in the garage and would stand and watch me to make sure poo-face didn't come and steal my food. Since he went to the bridge I can eat in the kitchen again, but sometimes I look around just to make sure he isn't hanging around getting ready to steal my dinner.
Wow, Huffle, that's a lot of bowls. We know a little bit about the I-can-see-the-bottom-of-my-bowl scream at our house, too. Miss Mouse yells bloody murder when that happens--no matter what time of day (or night) it is.
Gandalf and Grayson do not scream when they can see the bottom of the bowl, Huffle... they just sit and stare at it, then at me, then back at the bowl. It's very sad.
I was expekhting to say your mum and dad spoon feed woo too!
Wow Huffle!
What a lucky cat you are! I only have TWO bowls! That's WAY less than three!
:) Tibby
We like your shiny bowl Huffle. You look so sweet posing beside them.
We are clearly deprived. We share a water bucket (yep, a bucket). We each have a bowl, but it is only down long enough to eat and then it is removed, so we all try to see the bottom of it every meal. Is that abuse or what?
Ali Z is the same way, Huffle. She has a nice bowl and can have an inch of her dry food all around it, but if the center is empty, gotta fill it now! Whats with you guys? I don't get it at all.
I have 3 bowls too :) I must say, I do not like to see the bottom of my crunchie bowl. It's good you are eating with the family again ;) Now,you are only bothered by your Mom & Dad with their flashy box. Heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
You got 3 dishes??!? Lucky you!! You've got those humans trained pretty well we can see!
Buddah gets to eat on the counter and I have to stay on the floor, just because I used to try to eat his food. Sheesh.
On the plus side, we get a clean plate every time we get stinky goodness. But there aren't any bowls sitting out, only our water fountain :(
I have three bowls too. I also don't like any bowl to get too low.
Hi, Huffle!
3 bowls?? Wow!
I always see the bottom of my bowl but my mom does not put more kibble in it!
Kisses and hugs
Three bowls... wow! All to yourself too! Lucky you! We have 2 large dog bowls here filled with dry cat food... W/D prescription diet. It is all up on a table, away from Monty dog. W/D is really Sandusky's food.... but I like to eat it. Princess Spooky gets to eat in her own spot way up on a high shelf where Sandusky can't get it since he is on a special diet.
Must be nice to have so many bowls to eat from. We each have one.
We must forewarn you that if your Mum ever gets that puppy we all know she really wants, then you might have bigger problems than with Salvador when it comes to food.
Happy weekend.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
I have different bowls too and refuse to eat my stinky goodness out of something different.
I always see the bottom of my bowl except for the 15 seconds that it takes for me to eat breakfast and dinner. I keep asking for more kibble but it never appears.
Huffle, you are a lucky cat to have so many bowls. That Fancy Feast sounds pretty good, too. You don't want to share it, do you? I didn't think so.
See ya!
I am afraid of my reflection in my silver crunchies bowl, and the water bowl that has Shrek and Donkey on the bottom of the bowl really creeps me out.
We used to share food bowls, but I started whacking Suey in the head. Now we have seperate bowls.
I have 3 bowls too! My servant, Vicki bought me special chinese looking bowls from chinatown. Maybe I should blog about these...
When I see the bottom of my food bowl I put my paw under it, lift it up and slam it down. Over and over until they come and fill it back up.
Well the kitchen is definatley better than the garage.
Do you think mrsippi uses a sippie cup to drink? roo, roo, roo!
Ahhhh, the joys of food.
Thanks for the tour!
Purrs Goldie
Hi Huff, that is a lot of bowls.
We haff a shared water bowl and then a crunchie bowl each and wet food bowl each.
Sometimes Alfie is greedy and tries to get my food as well as his own - when he does I walk away in a sulk and Mom tells mim off.
We fink it maybe 'cos when he was a tiny kitten, first borned, he was starving in a field - before he was rescued. And we fink he never got over and worries he may never see food again.
Alfie isn't fat though - he's silky and slim.
Love Milo xx
Hey Huffs! There is a bone design on your silver bowl. Is that 'cuz you're an honorary husky?
Play bows,
I have three bowls two, that way you get everything nice and fresh. We are so lucky.
Hugs GJ x
hey Huffle Mawson,
I am glad you get to eat in the kitchen again. Beats the smelly garage, huh?
I would be careful what you say about Poo-Face Salvador. You don't want him to come back as a ghost and scare you!
Nice and orderly! We eat in tow separately too. I dine in the dining room and Jack gobbles his food outside or in the laundry room or in the kitchen, depends on the weather.
Woos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Hi Huffle, I've seen you mentioned on our friend Khyra's site, so came by to say hello. You look a lot like Tiger, who thinks eating is pretty important too!
Heya Huffle,
That seems like a great setup. We have a question, what's Fancy Feast/ We've never heard of it. Us three cats have abig common bowl in the utility room that has a cat door so the furry beasts can't get to the bowl. When we can see the bottom we send Boru up to squawk to dad because it needs to be full in case of some natural disaster. The Newfs have a water trough in their pen. There's a double water bowl on the back patio with access from the paddock. There a same type double water bowl in the kitchen. Ms. Sophie has a duplex bowl holder for "her" water bowl and her food bowl. We have 3 other food bowls in the kitchen and 5 feed bowls in the kennel. Last, but not least, Jenny has a small water bowl on top of the counter. We have lots of water bowls and kibble bowls but obviously we have NO Fancy Feast bowls.
I eat my wet food in the kitchen, but my water and my dry food is upstairs in my room (no furry beasts allowed). Sometimes when the furry beasts aren't watching, I do drink out of their bowl.
Orderly eating arrangements are very important. Looks like you've got yours in perfect order.
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