I had a bit of travelling to do to get to my next destination. I've made it all the way to the coast, to Aquidneck Island to visit
Star and Jack-a-Roo!
Star told me we could go to the beach and look for lobsters to eat for dinner. Oh, this isn't a photo of the beach; someone forgot the camera. I'm not saying it was me.

It was a bit hot so we decided to cool off back at the house in front of the fan. Notice Jack's very cool sleepy position!

Then we decided to go outside and lay on the deck and soak up some sun.

It's been a great trip to Aquidneck Island (Rhode Island for those of you not as geographically savvy as me) and we had a yummy lobster dinner!
Oooops, sorry Huffle -
PeeEssWoo: I promise to make it up to woo!
Wow! Rhode Island? You're almost in our backyard. Come see us soon!
Huffle, can you come to osta Rica Someday?
Did woo get some lobster or at least some ham? Great fun in RI.
Woos, the OP Pack
Meow Meow Huffle
Did you enjoy your Lobster Tail? Sounds like a wonderful dinner for the queen of the Kitty-Kats!
Thor and Marco Polo
Woos Huffle! We sure enjoyed your visit - come back anytime! We posted a couple more pics from your stay with us on our bloggie, too.
Happy travels, Huffle!
Woos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack a-roo too
Wow LOBSTER!!! You guys are sure lucky!!!
ummm.. yourot gonna eat Mums pet Lobster when you get here are you???
love and tailwags,
Ben xxxx
Lobster! Nana, Grampy and Mom are all going out to dinner tonight to celebrate Mom and Nana's birthdays. Nana always orders Lobster. Nana never brings any Lobster home to us. Just saying.
Wowzers, Huffs! It sounds like Star and Jackaroorooroo really showed you a great time! I'd LOVE to try lobster AND to have an ocean! Or at least visit one!
Play bows,
Ohhhh! Lobster....mmmmmm! We want some!
Those are very pretty woofies. They are so lucky to live near the beach and eat fresh lobster. It looks like you taught Jack how to hold up the wall.
WOW Huffle, LOBSTER?!?!?! We've never had that, was it yummy?
WOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
That sounds like a pretty good stop. Is lobster better than Fancy Feast?
Hey Huffle,
Lobster is great kitty food. Did you have any long neck clams with the lobster? A good old fashion New England Clam Bake with lobster. YUMMMMMMMMMMM.
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