It is raining here today. We are supposed to get 13 years worth of rain in one day. This is not good for black cats.
I'm going upstairs to bed if anyone is looking for me.
p.s. Sorry I have not been around to visit much this week. Mum has been really sick and even had a scratch on her eye, which made looking at the computer screen a bit difficult.
Yow! That's a lot of rain - you've got a good plan for the day/weekend, Huffle. Hope your mum is feeling better soon. That is a neat picture of you - it looks like your paw is stepping right out into your blog!
That is a beautiful shot of you, Huffle (like always)...We hope your Mum feels better soon=be sure to give her extra cuddles and kisses...Happy weekend, sweet friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Huffle, thirteen years of rain in one day? Do you need me to find a boat to come get you? There's plenty around here toward the lake! We are sorry about your mum being sick. Mine gets all sick a lot ot times and has eye problems and it's impossible to see when you have something that is in your eye or has scratched it. Take your mum up as high as possible and take care of her. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
We've been real slackers in the visiting department, too. I hope your mom is feeling better AND that you didn't really get that much rain! PLay bows, Zim
I think I'd stay indoors, too!
Stay up high, Huffle!
That's too much rain! And sorry to hear your mewmmie is feeling poorly and has a hurty eye...
Yow! That's a lot of rain - you've got a good plan for the day/weekend, Huffle. Hope your mum is feeling better soon. That is a neat picture of you - it looks like your paw is stepping right out into your blog!
-Pip, Smidgen, Minnie
Sit on your human and purr lots - that should help her feel better!
Huffle, maybe when you wake up from your nap the rain will have stopped. We hope your mom feels better soon.
That's a lot of rain! We hope your mum feels better soon.
Huffle, please stay high and dry!
We are sending a big purr to your Mom...we hope she gets well soon. Sick is No Fun.
Khome on...
Put on your Siberian Suit and go enjoy it!
Hi, Huffle!
That sounds like a lot of rain!
Take care.
And please tell your mom we hope she is feeling better now!
Kisses and hugs
Oh, sorry about your mom! My Human has been quite neglectful this week also, but she doesn't even have an excuse.
I hope you keep climbing those stairs to where it will stay dry!
We've got some of your rains too. Hope you stay dry!
That is a beautiful shot of you, Huffle (like always)...We hope your Mum feels better soon=be sure to give her extra cuddles and kisses...Happy weekend, sweet friend...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Huffle-mum, usually I send lots of cuddles and smoochies to Miss Huffle. Today I send them to YOU and some from Inigo too. Please feel better soon.
Stay inside and stay dry and we're sending your mum lots of purrs and healing Light, hoping she's better soon!
We don't blame you Huffle. Sorry that you mum hasn't been well lately. We hope she feels better soon!
WAY too much rain! You've got the right idea Huffle, stay dry and snug. And we'll send purrs to your Mom to feel better soon!
Maybe this will be all the rain for a long time, and then your rain barrels will all be full.
Please tell your Mum that we hope she is OK and that we are thinking of her.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Owwie! We're sorry your the Mom hasn't been so well.
That is TOO much rain! We hope you and your Mum stay warm and dry, Huffle. Purrs to your Mom, hope she is feeling better.
Huffle, thirteen years of rain in one day? Do you need me to find a boat to come get you? There's plenty around here toward the lake! We are sorry about your mum being sick. Mine gets all sick a lot ot times and has eye problems and it's impossible to see when you have something that is in your eye or has scratched it. Take your mum up as high as possible and take care of her. Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Hope Hufflemum feels better soon, and keep dry, we don't want you floating away.
That is alot of rain, Huffle. Stay dry! We hope your Mom feels better soon. Maybe some extra snuggles would help?
We would definitely stay indoors! No need to get wet!
We hope your mum feels better soon!
Rain, rain, go away...
Come again another day.
And tell Mum to be better soon!
Hope your mom feels better and the rain goes away - you can send it here!
Yikes! Are you expecting an old man with an Ark and a bunch of paired animals to go along with that 1 years worth of rain?
Stay dry Huffle. Our Mom's are hot messes, good thing they have us!
Stay high and dry Huffle! We hope your mum feels better soon :-)
We hope you don't grow webbed feet Huffle. We hope your mum is soon feeling better.
Raining cats and dogs huh?
Hope your mum is feeling a little better by now. We saw she's been having a time of it (on her FB updates).
I hope your mum is okay and how is the weather? It is freezing and windy here. I didn't go out all day today (very unusual for me....)
Huffle, Good rain have some reason !
So You can stay inside and look after your mom. And I think she need a lots of hug and purrs to get better : )
Everyday Cat Visitor
We've been real slackers in the visiting department, too. I hope your mom is feeling better AND that you didn't really get that much rain!
PLay bows,
Sorry to hear about your mom's scratched eye -- we know it can be painful! And we hope it had nothing to do with you :)
Hope your mum gets better soon.
We had a lot of rain around here. Hope your street won't get flooded like ours did.
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