It's from Casbah Kitten's Etsy shop and now I have my very own Supa Kitteh! My dear friend Angus Mhor sent it to me. Isn't he the best?
I have been playing with my Supa Kitteh but I play too fast for mum to get a decent picture!
Also in the package was a a yummy Jellybean toy. Mum had left it on the coffee table last night and so I jumped up and played with it and knocked it on the floor and chased it around the house.
Thanks Angus, I love my new toys! Mum says she will try and get video of me playing with them but she isn't promising, as I tend to stop moving when the video camera comes out.
all helpful supa kitteh looks great!
That is a fabulous package.. I think you are going to have so much fun. Its So good when the mailman comes.. Enjoy.. GJ x
How cool! Enjoy your toys, Huffle!
Lucky you! I love the Casbah Kitten toys.
your new toy is great :)
Hey Huffle,
Those are swell presents from Angus. And your parsley potS are kinda a little bit from him too. Boru is puffing up with jealousy.
Oh my gosh I love those...I hope to be selling them in Provincetown next summer
What a great present! We love Casbah Kitten toys!
Wow! Dat looks like a lot of fun. :)
You got the coolest friends(myself included). You should be stoked to get such cool stuff!
That Supah Kitty looks so much fun.
We LOVE Casbah Kitten's toys. The jelly beans are lots of fun to carry around in our mouths and bat around with our paws. Angus was very sweet to send you such great toys.
Supa Kitteh looks like a super toy, Huffle. Maybe he can become your new bodyguard. Angus Mhor is very nice to have sent that to you.
Woos, the OP Pack
I agree with the OPs, I think that Supa Kitteh would make a great bodyguard.
What a great pal Angus is to you to send you these nice gifts!
Awwww, Huffle, that's great! I'm sure glad you like your Supa Kitteh! Didjoo bunnykik him yet? Didjoo whack'im down the hall? He's real light!
Hey, my mom didn't buy ME a Jellybean! Phooey! Yours looks like it would be great for battin' around.
Even I know how furry special Angus Mhor is!
I'm his Khyra Face!
That's totally COOL! Angus is really nice to send you those toys. Enjoy!
You got pawesome presents, Huffle!
I am sure you are enjoying them!
Kisses and hugs
Is there something going on between you and Angus that we should know about?
Thank you for coming to my slumber party and celebrating my 14th birthday with me!
Angus is quite a cat! And Huffle, you deserve all the good things you get.
Dat look like fun toy. I'ma say bite it.
What a cool gift! Supa kitteh looks like he would be lots of fun to play with!
Fabulous toys! Angus is such a great guy!
WOW! Wot lovely presents! Enjoy! Wot wiv a noo parsley pot and noo toys ~ you are one lucky black cat!
Wow! A Parsley Pot AND new toys from Angus! You sure are one lucky kitty, Huffle!
What a cool toy! It looks like lots of fun.
Good things happen to good cats. Again and again. You deserve it, enjoy.
That super kitty toy is so cute!!The Casbah Kitten has great toys - the jellybeans are popular at our house!
Wow Super Kitty and a Jellybean toy. You're so lukcy Huffle!
Yay, new toys!! We hope you enjoy them lots and lots! We don't have the Supa Kitteh, but we love our jelly beans.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Hahaha! Superkitty looks like she's been eating a lot of supersnacks to be so round! I can see Angel looking at the screen with envy!
Kittehs are nice but Super Kitteh is khool!!
We've been thinking and aren't sure if we've ever seen you on video. Hmmm....I think we need to see that.
Princess Eva
What a GRRR-8 package!!! The supah kitteh is supah kewl!!! We think Angus is one purrific furriend!!!
Angus is REALLY kind, isn't he? And you look so COOL with Supa Kitteh!
Play bows,
Oh my word Huffle new toy and new parsley pot. You must be about to jump out of your skin with joy.
I love shape and color of your new pot.
Madi and Mom
OMC! Huffle! I like the supa kitteh but a JELLY BEAN toy? Really?? It has my name all over it!!!! My mom is lagging big time not getting me one of those yet.
Hope you are having lots of fun with your new toys!
That looks like a pretty interesting toy!
Boy!!! That Angus is a mighty fine cat!! He is treating you well Huffle ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Those are great toys! we have asked our mum to buy us some! (and then asked to buy our cousins some for Christmas coming up!)
so cute - i hadn't seen casbah's supa kitteh before...i need to revisit her shop obviously
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