Then I put it on but you can't really see it too well in this photo:
So I instructed the pupparazzi to go and take a proper photo of the badge (it is attached to my collar, although it doesn't look like it in this photo):
Don't forget to vote for Misha! There are just a few days left to vote.
Of course we voted for Misha. How could we not? And let nobody take that badge away from you. It is yours and yours alone.
We vote every day! Even though we are not lucky enough to have a badge!
We keep anticipating the Big Reveal of the new Parsley Pots. The suspense is killing us!
Oh the things our moms/mums do!
I too am voting everyday.. I so hope that Misha wins.. I love your badge and you are wearing it with pride.. Hugs GJ x
How could she even think to try and take your badge away? We are voting every day too.
Good luck to Miahs. So what was Mom going to do with your badge? Wear it on her necklace? It looks very nice with your furs, HM.
Play bows, the OP Pack
I'm so glad you like your badge, Huffle!
Whoa. Neither I nor my mom would try to take that badge out of your claws!!
Play bows,
I will be voting pronto! That badge looks pawsome on you - I can definitely see that it's attached to your collar!
Hugs xo Sammie and Ozzie
Hi, Huffle!
Good job!
Don't let your mom to take it away from you!
Kisses and hugs
We went to vote for Misha! Cool badge! Mom better not take it away!
how could we not vote for Misha. i wish i could have had a cool badge. i wouldn't let my mommy take it away either. you tell her who is boss!
I'll do whatever a button on a cat tells me to do. Oh, I did it! Is the petition for the PP gonna work? Hope So.
You have a real Misha badge?
It looks good on your collar, Huffle! We have voted and voted for Misha...and we'll do it again!
Hi Huffle,
I voted for Misha tonight and will keep on until they are done.
Thats a nice badge to wear and then to keep it as a memento after
he gets elected. Good going, Huffle, helping Misha out like this!
Huffle, I want to get a badge made up just so I can see you wear it... *swoon*
You're a glamour, Huffle:)
Dear Huffle,
Great Badge!
Those claws of your are terrifying! I for one would not dare to take it off you!
Mr Darcy
We voted!
You look so cute in you badge, dear Huffle. We bet the television and newspaper people would love to get a pic of you.
Whoa! With those claws, we wouldn't try and take the badge away!
We're impressed, though, that you actually asked for a photo! So very rare.... ;)
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
We voted!! Misha totally deserves to win.
Your mom just wants to take everything away. First your parsley pot and now your Misha badge.
princess eva
We are voting too! We love your badge - I can't believe your mom tried to steal it away! It looks so good on you too!
I just don't know what it is about mom's, Huffle. They have this thing about takin' stuff away from parsley pots!
We've been voting for Misha effuryday! And, you keep a tight hold on that badge Huffle!!!
Huffle!!!! That is a pawsome deathgrip you have on your badge!! heehee Pawsome claws too ;)
The badge does look nice on your collar!! Now hide it so your Mom can't take it!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
What was your mom thinking? You have the claws to put her in her place.
Hey Huffle,
WOA! We don't think that we've ever seen your ferocious claws out of you paws before. You look riled and threatening, but still beautiful, in that second picture. We were able to get mom, dad and sissy to vote for Misha so that's 3 more votes.
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