Pups and kitties, today is the first day of Spring in Australia! I don't think the weather takes any notice of the dates since it's still cold here but in honour of the start of Spring I am posting this picture of a pretty pink flower to encourage the sun to come back.

Please hurry up and come and warm me up, sun. I'm a bit sick of the cold.
That means it's Spring here, too! Yay!
Oh This flower is so beautiful!
I love the winter, but spring is a very good season too =)
Wowzers, Huffs! That flower looks good enough to eat! :)
Come on, Spring!
Play bows,
Oooh, so pretty - Spring must be right around the corner, Huff. Hope you find some warm sun soon.
Woos, the OP Pack
I hope you have a beautiful spring!
Mom says that is a lovely kholour!
I'm taking her word fur it!
Are you going to have flowers like that in your backyard once it gets to be summer?
Means Fall is coming here, yeah!
Personallly, I can't wait for the winter. I know I speak for john when I say that too. Kel on the other hand, loves the sun like you Huff. The flower is very pretty. I might eat it if I saw it.
Love and warmth,
I wish you sunny days soon, Huffle!
Beautiful flower!
Kisses and hugs
Happy September 1st! Footy finals, flowers... SURELY the warm weather can't be too far away...
The Pies are looking good, but Nick is a Saints man, so I have to support them this weekend. I think all the matches will be interesting and could go either way. It's gonna be a competitive series!
Hey there, Huffle.
Yes its SPRING!!!! YAY!!!
Im sorry to hear that its cold and rainy where you are and I suppose, for a cat, that is really horrible. How about coming to us? It's really beautiful here at the mo'. Our garden is alive with abundance!
Hope you can REALLY celebrate soon.
Lots of licks
That is a very pretty flower. We are very happy that spring has sprung!
Spring has certainly sprung in Wellington, with much warmer calm weather.
We hope it clears up soon for you.
Warm, sunny days are on their way.
Now just have the beans get you a new parsley pot and you'll be all set.
Oh how pretty! It's nearly Autumn here ... :sigh:
Hi Huffle, so September 1 is the official first day of spring in Australia!!! Good news for you I know it has been rainy and cold of late. We are just the opposite...here tired of the hot, hazy humid days of August. This morning it was a nice 62 degrees with a slight breeze. We're sending summer your way as quickly as we can.
Madi and Mom
That's a beautiful flower, Huffle. Spring will hurry hurry just to keep it blooming!
What a lovely Hydrangea (sp?) flower.
It's supposed to be autumn here, but it feels more like winter!
Unfortunately that means that fall is just around the corner here. Fall isn't too bad but winter isn't the same without a husky mix in the house.
Beawootifdul flower! And the best part about you getting spring is that we're turning the corner towards WINTER! Woos & a-rooos about that!!!
Woos & a-roos
Star & Jack a-roo
Hi Huffle,
Enjoy your spring! It's turning fall here in Wisconsin. Soon I can start my attack-the-falling-leaves plan. This is my first fall, so I'm going to have fun!
Ohh! That is so beautiful!!!
We hope your warm weather comes really soon! But that our cold doesn't. MOL Pretty flowers, Miss Huffle!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
If it's getting warm there...that means it's gonna get cold here...we're not ready for that!!!
We are losing our warmth, it is going down south. I am already missing summer.
Hey Huffle, We hope that y'all had a wet winter and that you have a warm, but moist, spring so that you have a calmer summer than y'all had last year. Safety before comfort. That's nice flower, maybe we can use it in Trashy Terrain Tuesday. We'll just fib and say it's growing in our paddock (yeah, right!).
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