While the garden is being done, I have to snoopervise to make sure the men are doing the job properly. It's exhausting work.
Here I am checking that the string lines are even:

Checking the one over near where the bench seat will go:

Looking at some of the tools to make sure they are good enough:

As you can see, getting the garden done is very hard work!
Oh, don't your kind play with those 'string' things?
I'm not sure they're correct. I think you should "adjust" them a bit...
Are you helping to reform your garden?
I'm sure that will be absolutely wonderful =)
Jas & Gi
Such a hard working kitty. Any word on your parsley pot?
Hey, Huffle...chew on those string lines and mess the workers up!
That does look like hard work. Did the tools seem to be ok to use?
Aren't they thoughtful, making a giant dirtbox for you!
Huffle, now don't strain yourself with this work. Your pawrents are paying people to do this, and while its good to check on them, don't work too hard. Something may come up where you will need alll of your energy!
Did you try to walk on the string like a tightrope walker?
Hi, Huffle!
I can see you are doing a good job supervising!
Kisses and hugs
hey Huffle Mawson,
What are you being paid for your consulting services? Chunks of ham, I hope?
You're a great snoopervisor tho - We're impressed!
That looks like a lot of hard work, but I can see you are doing a good job there..
Hugs GJ xx
Do you have a spot all picked out for the catnip, Huffle. Near the bench might be handy.
Have you discovered where they put your parsley pot? That's important, Huffle!
Hi Huffle M....all you are missing is a tool belt to complete your supervisory job!! That is going to be one pretty garden. We can hardly wait to see the final product.
Madi and Mom
Good to see that you are checking their work. Some humans can't do a straight line even with all the fancy tools.
Princess Eva
Good thing you're there to snoopervise, Huff! Can't trust those humans sometimes...
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Don't over-do, Huffs!
Play bows,
PS: Is my friend Adrill there? If so, please tell him "haroo" for me!
Checking out the strings seems like the perfect job for you, Huffle!
Good snoopervising! We wouldn't be able to resist the strings all over the place.
Great job supervising, Huffle - did you try jumping over those strings? We can't wait to see how beautiful it is going to be.
woo, the OP Pack
It's a good job you are such a good snoopervisor otherwise who knows what would happen ?
Hey Huffle,
Good thing that you're around to keep a cat's eyes on things to make sure everything is on the up and up.
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