There is a serious problem with my garden renovations. Did anycat or anypup else notice that my parsley pot is missing?

Parsley pot, are you down there?

Parsley pot, did you fall in the hole?

Parsley pot, where did you go?
Does anyone know where it might be?
OMG! You lost your Parsley pot!
I don't know where he is, but of course that I help you to found =)
NOooooooooo! Maybe they're going to *gasp* grow parsley in it?!
No, Huffle, but I bet those workers know. Maybe they are bringing you a more beautiful one with some lovely green parsley growing in it. Hope they have better luck with that than I did with my stuffy pot.
woo, Thunder Dunder
It's probably being sent Parsley-Post fur Rehab
PeeEssWoo: In Khyra World, evfurrydya khan be HuzzyDay! My fans demand it!
I'm sure it will have the yard landscaped around it Huffle!
Dear Huffle,
I came to your blog via Tehya the Babydog's blog. I hope you find your parsley pot very soon!
I hope it's not at the Parsley Pot Rainbow Bridge
Hi, Huffle!
I hope you get it back soon!
Kisses and hugs
I bet the garden guys took it, thinking it was an old, useless, pot. They are probably fixing you up a bigger, more beauteous one, right now. Will you be happy with that? Or will you miss your old pot?
No parsley pot??!?! Whatever will you do, Huffle????
Sadly, we didn't find your parsley pot in our hole either. Odd behavior for a parsley pot, they don't usually run off like that, do they?
Woos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack aroo
Better check in your mom's kitchen!
Don't worry Huffle. If your parsley post goes missing your mum, who obviously loves you dearly, will get you another. They are going to do something special for you in that garden, we know it,
That is terrible! The parsley pot is missing! We hope you find it! Maybe you will get a new one!
Are you getting a swimming pool Huffle?
Oh noes! We hope it not go to that big Parsley Pot in the Sky, Huffle!
I hope they don't try to GROW something in your parsley pot. That would just be wrong.
Oh no, I think maybe yur mum put it somewhere for safe keeping.
Mum mailed your paw it forward package today, dont know how long it takes to get to you.
Hugs GJ xx
Huffle you have a mystery might want to turn the case of the Missing Parsley Pot over to Dixie Hemingway Petsitter and crime solver...(aka Blaize Clement, author). We just found her books they are very entertaining. The first one is Curiosity Killed the Cat Sitter. Madi and Mom
We bet your mum is taking good care of it for you, Huff. She wouldn't let them do away with it...unless of course you're getting a bigger and better one!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Oh no! It's been stoled by a burglar!
But never mind Huff I can help you grow some more becos I'm offering you my gardening services FREE (mates rates!)
Alfie xx
I don't know, but they better bring it BACK! Want me to come down there and knock some heads together for you?
Play bows,
I sure hope your parsley pot turns up. If not, I may need to come down and have a talk with your mum.
LOL, cute pictures, what an explorer!! hopefully you find your pot soon Huffle, we will keep our eyes peeled... you know the humans like to do all kinds of stuff with pots during the summertime...hmmmm
Theodore and Sasha
I bet the men with the string took it!!
Uhhhh oh - the Case of the Missing Parsely Pot. You are such a good investigator, Huffle, that I bet you will find it. (My mom put two - count 'em - TWO loud bells on me and a tag saying "I kill birds - do not remove" on my collar, but guess what? I catch about 1 every other day despite them hehe. I know you will find that parsely pot!
xo Ozzie
We hope you find your parsley pot Huffle!
Wow, this is serious. We think the garden guys have it and don't realize what a treasure it is. Some things just cannot be replaced very easily.
Is that some new cement? What if the parsley pot got buried?
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