I think I mentioned last week sometime that there are going to be some men coming to my house to work on my garden this week. I thought it would be a good idea to show you the tragic state of my garden before they started.

Can you see how high the weeds are? I'm nearly lost out there!

Mum says sorry the photos are a bit dark, she only remembered to get them the night before the men started work. At least you get a vague idea of how awful it really is.
Hi, Huffle!
Yes, it looks like your garden needs some work!
Sure it is going to be pawesome when they end it!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Huffle! Keep up updated with the progress!
If I were khloser, I'd help with some of the digging!
It will be furry khool to see what they build fur woo!
We will be following the garden work and can't wait to see you in the new and improved one!
Once work on your garden, will be wonderful!
Have a great week =)
Jas & Gi
Well it can only improve, can't wait to see how it turns out!
That's very tragic, look at the poor dead tree. When its all done, send us pictures, then dig a hole and ruin it. Its the husky way.
HaRoooo Huffle.
I wooda come to help wid da gardenin'! Maw says I do a furry nice job 'round here. I is always diggin' up da flowers, tomato plants and whatever else she has. I did a good job prunin' da lilac bushes last year.
Husky kisses,
Gardens tend to go out of control. We're sure it will be beautiful when the work is done. Be sure to tell them just where you want your parsley pot.
Love the pic with your shining eyes.
Did you give your paw of approval to the new garden design?
We'll be waiting for the "after" photos!
Yes, Frejya did get some ham after her bath! As a good dog and kitty momma I have ham in the house all the time☺
Thanks for the "before" pictures. It will be fun to see what the new garden will look like.
We're looking forward to seeing the 'after' shots!:)
We bet it's gonna be wonderful when it's finished though!
Make sure they put you hammick hooks - so you can haff a hammick. Oh and a hole for a parasol so when it's hot you can be shaded. Oh and an electik socket so yoo can plug in a fan if you get the real hots. Oh and fresh running water in case yoo get thirsty ...
I hope they do a good job of your garden Huffle. Ours looks a lot like yours, a bit of a weedy jungle.
Hi Tracey and Huffle,
It was good to hear from you both and we hope you are doing well.
Ahhh garden work it sounds like you will have lots of activity to watch this week. I expect you'll also need to use your supervisory skills to be sure things are done to Mom's specifications. Our yard is in sad shape it has been very hot and dry here in NC...97 yesterday with humidity in the high 70's. At least I have birds to watch from my perch in the back.
Madi and Mom
It looks ok to me, lots of places to hide out in it.. Love your peeping eyes there.
Mum will be posting paw it forward real soon.
Hugs GJ xx
Good thing we had your laser beams to show us where you were in the weeds!
Be fun to see it evolve...
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
We bet it will look lovely when it's finished, Huffle! If Mom had to do our yard instead of our Grampy, we hate to think what it might look like! ::shudders::
Look at those glowing eyes!!! We can't wait to see the finished garden - bet it will be just gorgeous.
Woo, the OP Pack
Your eyes are really cool in that photo!!
Hey Huffle,
Isn't it the wrong time of year to be gardening in your area? It does look like it needs a little work but it's not as bad as our paddock.
At least the tall weeds give you a chance to stalk around and look for bugs.
Oh but what fun it is to hide in the brush and pounce on things!!
Theodore and Sasha
Oooh! I love that second picture! You're so stealthy!
Play bows,
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