This is one of my favourite places to sleep, on the couch near the television so I can watch the cricket whilst catching up on my naps. I have three cushions at my back, and there is another space behind my tail so I have plenty of room to stretch if I want to.

I don't like anyone to sit too close to me on the couch, usually I will get up and move if someone sits near me. I need my personal space.
That looks like a nice place to sit. Do you ever sit on your mom or dad? I like to do that, but my dad is all like, "Wilbur, I don't want you to sit on me." Then I do it anyway. He knows better than to try to do anything about it.
Steve and Kat's dad is furry smart....
Woo do look lovely on your khouch!
Happy Weekend!
Hope your napping isn't too intruded by your mum and dad being under paw!
That looks like a great place to stretch out and get cozy. Pinky says she did not try pooping on the table, but she did think about it, since you did it.
Ash got the life there!
They have shows about cricket there? How about flies? Stormy doesn't like flies, so we wouldn't watch that one here.
Play bows,
Tell us more about this cricket. Is his name Jiminy?
You do look quite comfy on your sofa. We like to have our own space too but that doesn't happen too often:(
Hope you are having a good weekend.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Hi Huffle! Even though you're my best cat friend in the world, I have to say it's true that cats are different from dogs. I love to snooze near people, and Zeke and I often sleep just touching each other.
See ya!
I like to lay out like that on the ottoman downstairs! It is so comfy!
Heya Huffle,
All us dogs like to be near the peeps, touching even. Alex and jenny also like to be on laps or next to mom or dad. Boru is like you though, he needs his space. You space looks nice and comfortable, but isn't hard to get to sleep with the cricket making noise and chirping all night?
I own the biggest couch here too.
Huffle, you and Ali Z would get along so swell! She likes her space too (my Mom's recliner) and like Queen Eliz, no one is allowed to touch her unless she touches first. And never sniff her butt . . .is that a kitty no-no?
I think chasing crickets is fun. I wonder if they're crunchy.
Wow three pillows! Aren't you lucky! My mom has 6 pillows on her bed. I like to sit on top of them! She put towels over them! Also, I usually will move if anyone gets too near to me!
i wuz lookin back at yer week uv sleepin an i wuz laffin an laffin. so many wayz to sleep ... not enuff dayz in da week!
That looks like a very comfy spot. We have crickets in our garage that we like to watch. You're so lucky to be able to watch cricket on TV.
Huffle, it's fun seeing how you sleep. We might to like to do a post on sleeping positions when we get time - if we do we'll link back to you since you inspired us.
What a great week of sleeps, Huffle! We haven't been able to visit much at all this week. Blah!!!!
Have a great weekend!!
Woos & a-rooos Huffle,
we made Humom read us effurry one of your posts from this past week when she was out of town. We decidrd we LIKE the red chair, it's siberific. Your sleeping positions reflect your thoughtfulness, creativity, and good sense, too. Way to go, Huffle!
woos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack a-roo
What a nice sleeping spot!!! You look like a Hollywood actress laying there ;)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Hmmmm - maybe Natasha is part cat. She moves if some sits down beside her, will stare at you from across the room if you are not doing what is expected, and will claw you to get her belly rubbed when she wants that.
Personal space is important. Emmy & Bear like lots of space ... Moses prefers to invade it ... which can be annoying!
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