Unlike my lucky friend Wilbur, we do not have a fireplace in our house so I have to find my own toasty places to sleep when it's cold.
When your mum is putting clean sheets on the bed is always a good idea! There will be a nice doona (duvet, comforter, quilt) all scrunched up nicely for you to snuggle into. I highly recommend this position.
We call thatng a doona now; wonder where we got that from? You are soooo right about sleeping on the doona, especially right after it comes out of the drying machine when it's still hot and toasty. We keep getting it dirty so mom has to put in in the cleaning machine and then in the drying machine so it gets heated up again. It's a vicious cycle. - TBH
That's the way the doona (mom hasn't heard that word since her gramma went to Heaven) always looks on da big bed. Speedy goes unner, Zippy goes on top. Very comfy indeed.
I sleep on miewmie's bed during the day cos she puts a fweecy blanket on it spechially for me. She won't let me lie on the Chinese silk duvet or Chinese silk duvet cover.....I don't know why??
That khould work!
I did a grrrreat job remaking ours last night!
As always, I was just fluffing it up fur Mom!
We don't get many opportunities to use the beds here, but you sure make it look very inviting.
Woos, the OP Pack
I'm with you on that!
Ohhh that looks so comfy! That is one of my favorite sleeping places too!
Excellent work. We love helping to make the beds, but, for some reason, we are always outside when it happens. Why is that?
Oh yeah, Huffle...we know that position well!
Hey, we like your new bloggie layout!
We call thatng a doona now; wonder where we got that from? You are soooo right about sleeping on the doona, especially right after it comes out of the drying machine when it's still hot and toasty. We keep getting it dirty so mom has to put in in the cleaning machine and then in the drying machine so it gets heated up again. It's a vicious cycle.
That looks comfy! Any room for us?
Princess Eva
it pretty much always looks like that over here.
That looks like a great spot. Especially if the comforter and sheets are just out of the dryer.
Hi, Huffle!
I know what you mean!
Kisses and hugs
We love to lay on the quilts with our humans underneath!
Zoomies, Brook
I like to crawl under the quilt when my mom goes to bed and sleep at her feet.
That's a great position. All warm in fresh sheets, sounds wonderful.
Beds are my favorite place!! Especially moms pillow! Is that why there are towels over all the pillow??
That's the way the doona (mom hasn't heard that word since her gramma went to Heaven) always looks on da big bed. Speedy goes unner, Zippy goes on top. Very comfy indeed.
oh we highly recommend it too!
It is my dream to one day live in a home with a fireplace. Your friend is very lucky!:)
I LOVE helping put the fresh sheets and quilt on the bed! GREAT snuggling opportunity and oh, everything is so warm and Downey-fresh!
Play bows,
Hi Huffle! You sure know how to get cozy!
See ya!
I sleep on miewmie's bed during the day cos she puts a fweecy blanket on it spechially for me. She won't let me lie on the Chinese silk duvet or Chinese silk duvet cover.....I don't know why??
Huffle, I agree.Helping with bed making is the best!!! That IS a great sleeping position too :)
Purrs Mickey
It's good to test out the duvet for comfort!
Clean sheets are the best! You can hide in them and cuddle up in them and... well they're just awesome!
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