Remember when my best friend
Zimmie sent me Mr Mouse for a bodyguard? Well
he did a good job for a long time but something terrible has happened to him!

You might think he looks okay in that photo above, but check this one out!

He has a big hole in his bottom! It's even worse from this angle:

He looks like all his gizzards are falling out.
I have no idea how this happened. Really. Now you can see why I had to appoint Bazza as my bodyguard. He's been in training this week and will start protective detail on Monday. I hope he does a good job. And I hope he's not scared off by these pictures of Mr Mouse!
You need to send Mr. Mouse to AO4 Mom - she is quite skilled in the mending department. We are sure she can fix Mr. Mouse - he did a much better job than Bazza appears to be doing.
Better still, can you please bring it directly to her and then stop by for a visit here?
Woos, the OP Pack
thing seem to be very rough over on your side of the world!
I swear, I had NOTHING to do with that!!! Sure, I tested the Wubba Zim sent you, but Mom wouldn't let me NEAR Mr. Mouse!
Well, those photos of Mr. Mouse would sure scare us from bodyguarding you. What kind of enemies do you have? They are evidently very powerful.
It likes something in Mr. Mouse ruptured. I hope you don't eat the same food as him because it could be tainted.
Oh dear, poor mouse. Pandora's favourite mouse is looking very similarly, and mum hasn't fixed him yet.
Methinks Ammy doth protest too much. In our experience, the demise of stuffed toys is ALWAYS caused by a husky. I'm just sayin'. . .
Is that one of those gland 'thingie' issues he had?
Hmmm. Mr. Mousie seems to have had an unfortunate encounter. The sooner you get Bazza trained, the better.
Too bad about Mr. Mouse, but he can be fixed easily. Ao4s Mom or my Mom, either one can put him right in no time.
Do they sell bells over there in OZ, Huffle? I have been thinking about the Silent Bazza, and you should also get some bells to attach to him, so if anyone attacks him, you would hear it immediately. I am only interested in your well being.
Wow something tried to nibble his booty off. be careful Huffle, and train Bazza well. We have an award for you too.
There must be going around today -- Holly's poor brother Samuel has a hole in his butt today too!
These things surely won't happen once Bazza's on the job.
Woos & a-rooos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Yikes!!!! Mr Mousie is a gonner alright!!! Good thing Bazza is bigger ;) We hope that means he will stand up to rougher treatment,heehee
We are also sorry about Cats With Blogs!!! Evil people! WE send them fleas!!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
PeeEss: Thanks for the purrs. The Vet said things are in early stages and I am hopeful :)
Hello Huffle! You're blog is truly lovely! Puuurrrrsssss...
Wow! That Mr. Mouse had a blow out, MEOW!!!!
Maybe he just did a really big poop? I'm sure you had nothing to do with whatever happened to his bottom. :)
Sob! Not Mr Mouse!!
Now Huffle, you couldn't have any anything to do with Mr. Mouse's demise, right.
Tucker, Daisy and Leo
P.S. from Leo-They made me say it.
Mr.use sure got his butt ripped. Is he in the Army? Army people are always getting there butts ripped. We don't think a bandage will help Mr. Mouse; Butt stiches might. (get it? Butt stitches.
Good thing you have a body guard around!
Is Mr. Mouse's "issue" fatal or did he have to go see a specialist?
Princess Eva
My! After he trains we thinks the bodyguard might need a bodyguard!
poor Mr Mouse - he musta fought very bravely to protect you to haff got such a wound in his bum. We hope you get him mended - at the very least he deserves a happy retirement wiv his bum intact.
Thank you for wishing me happy birthday too!
Mr Mouse still looks cuddly. I hope he will be put out to pasture and retired nicely....somewhere that you can still visit and thank him for all his good bodyguard work....
Were those injuries sustained in the line of duty?! Mr. Mouse, we never knew you were so hard core! :O
Wow - poor guy, he needs some TLC!
Gee whiz, Huffle-huffle. It's dangerous being your bodyguard! What was Mr. Mouse guarding your body from? Is there more than one of them? Do they travel much?
Poor Mr. Mouse.
Your pal,
Oh no, a hole in the bottom. What a tragedy. Will Mr. Mouse go to a retirement home?
So many jokes ran through our minds that we are paralyzed.
P.S. - Our verification word is Kings. The boys sure are happy.
Hmmmm, looks like you really might have some Husky in you!!! The same thing seems to happen to a lot of Khady's toys!
Hi Huffle!
That poor Mr. Mouse! I hope Bazza will do a good job for you!
:) Tibby
Oh poor poor mousie, you need to get your mum with the sewing thingy to save him.
At least you have Bazza
Hugs GJ x
Mr. Mouse needs some surgery...
Hey, Mr. Mouse knew the job was dangerous when he took it. He did his best, and now someone else is taking over the job. Don't blame yourself... it couldn't be helped.
Harrrrrr Huffle
sorry to see the end of a great mouse Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
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