Rules:* Link to the one who tagged you.
* List the rules on your blog.
* Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
Angus Mohr said I should play, so here goes:
- I sleep a lot. A LOT.
- I prefer to sleep in my Huffle bed, or on mum and dad's bed, or on my big bed.
- I like stinky gravy with my dinner.
- I like to sleep under the blanket when it's cold.
- I have never climbed up on the kitchen bench, even when no-one is home to see it.
- Just like Angus, I do not like catnip. I sniff it and walk away.

Since I get to pass it on to another five kitties and pups, I'd like to share this with my friend Suka, who is a bit depressed about the weather, Simcha, who has been feeling a bit poorly lately, Grreta, who is just new to blogging, Mr Hendrix, because he is cool, and Ari, because she has such great adventures and isn't scared of snakes.
I like to sleep a lot too :)
You have some cute quirks Huffle :) I do many of them except I don't sleep under the covers :)
Purrs Mickey
Congrats, cool cat! ha roooo!
Hey... I've never tried catnip. Do you think I'd like it? I love every herb Mom's tried to grow in the garden!
Play bows,
Then woo will in be in GRRRRRReat shape fur the weekend!
See you 'round the blog blokhk!!
Quirky or not, you are very cute!!!
Wags, the OP Pack
Thank you so much for the Cool Cat Award!!! Those are some very spectacular quirks. Aren't you even a little curious what's up on the kitchen bench?
Congrats on the Cool Cat Award! I enjoyed reading your quirks. I don't do many of those.
Sorry we haven't visited in a couple of days. Mom's laptop crashed and she is still feeling yechy.
Meow, Huffle.
Quirky and cute. Great combo!
Stinky gravy? I'm a dry kibble cat myself. Blankies and sleep. Ahhhhhhh. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Stay warm. We're 100 here.
Witty Kitty
Thank you for the award Huffle the Honarary Husky. I feel better already thanks to you.
hey Huffle Mawson,
I sniffed my way over here to tell you to come to my blog because I have a treat waiting for you (so hurry!) and you have a treat waiting for me at your blog! Animal telepathy! I am so honored that you are giving me the Cool Cat award! It is really kewl looking! What can I howl? Thank you very much!! I guess those cat kooties I had on me brought me good luck! Tail wags and licks to you!
We do not seem to have a Huffle bed, but we still manage to sleep a lot!
I think you should try walking on the kitchen counters. It is very fun up there. Trust me.
Very cool info, Huffle. I like to sleep too, but unlike you, I climb on everything in the house and I do mean everything!
Meow Meow Huffle
We love everything you do!
Mama, Carolina and MrSippi
Stinkey gravy! I've never had that. Under the covers sounds fun though.
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
Stinky gravy sounds good. I wonder if it is anything like Momma mixing my canned food with water to make it runny. Then it coats all of my kibble.
Princess Eva
The snake-braving caninaturalist and I are honored! Thanks so much, and we look forward to participating in the new meme, too.
Cheers to our favorite cat down under!
Huffle, don't you think they need to come up with something good for us Non-Catnip Cats?
Congratulations on your award! It's very pink! My mom likes it, but I told her it's not manly-man enough for a big Mancat like me-she thinks I'm too picky.
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