This is Chloe. She seems to have made quite the nest for herself behind the cushion on the couch there.
This is Casey the Boxer. Jaunty scarves seem to be all the rage at the moment, don't they?
This is Mayzie Gal's brother Capn Ripley, who is over the Bridge. But we had to let this entry in. I mean, just look at it.
Here, Candy is doing double duty by napping, AND spreading furs all over the clean clothes. Multitasking as its best.
Next up is Brulee. I don't think I've ever seen so much floof on one cat. Teddy isn't even in her class.
Here's Brinskey Winksey from the Houston Pittie Pack. Sleeping on your human is always more comfortable, I think.
Jasper submitted this photo of his friend Bogey (because Bogey doesn't have a blog). This is totally awesome.
Here's young Bibi-Chan, in a non-Houbibi moment. I believe those are Tommy's legs behind him too.
Um, Bernie, I think there may be more comfortable places to sleep? And where do you put your food?
It's monorail cat! No, it's just Ben, napping on the banister. High degree of difficulty here!
Oh Bella. You look so comfortable there. I think.
I just love this photo of Allie with her pink toes, having a spa day in the sun. Too cute for words.
And finally, last but definitely not least, Aimee, making herself comfortable and making sure the human doesn't get much room. Way to go, Aimee.
And there you have it. All the entries for Competitive Napping. It's been a massive week of competition and now the judges will retire over the weekend and make their decisions. Good luck to all of you, and thank you to everyone who entered. You are all winners in my book! See you on Monday for the medal ceremony.
OH! My mom is squeeing and squeeing!
Ben is very talented!
what a week of cute and very competetive nappers! good luck to everybuddy and we sure don't envy the judges!
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
Excellent work! Hey did you see you are competing with me for the strong cat today? You win gold!!
Holy cat, how the heck are the judges going to choose. These are some world class nappers for sure!
We hope everybody will win!!!
These are some amazing entries. We can't wait to see who gets the gold!
Another group of amazing athletes!
All that napping has made us sleepppyyyy....
Adorable! What great catletes. Now, we are inspired to take a nap, too!
It really has been fierce competition all round!!! So many excellent nappers, we are very excited to be part of the competition :-)
That's some tough competition! All the best to the judges! Heh. :)
Everyone's a winner in our books! Amazing entries!
Ohhhh Rumblemummy is voting for Capn Ripley!!! Such a handsome fella, RIP sweet boy.
I totally dig those pink toe nails!
Play bows,
What happened to my picture? You have my fursibs EK & Candy, but you missed my picture.
Wow, those judges are not going to have an easy time!
Thanks for letting me know where my pic was. Somehow I missed a post and didn't see any of the pics from day 4! They're all so good, too.
We have been doing a lot of ohhhh'ing and ahhh'ing looking at all these great entrants :)xx
The judges are going to have a tough time choosing a winner. We love Ben and Truffle and Cap'n Ridgely and...........
MOWZERS, however will you CHOOSE?!?! Such stiff competition! On all days of the competition too!!
Excellent Nappers! they are all cream of the crop!
Kozmo at the Cat From Hell
Lynettea told me these are all extremely funny. Which just goes to show that humans have no sense of humour at all.
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