First up today we have some UK representatives, Eric and Flynn. They've clearing exhausted themselves by blogging too hard and are now taking well-deserved naps.
This is Batu Khan, a fellow Aussie kitty blogger, entering the "where does the body start and end" category. I think the hint of collar just gives it away...
Up next are Mya and Zack. Their mum says she is too busy to start them a blog; I say that's no excuse!
Zack does not like Monday mornings, as you can see here:
And he has issues with the printer too!
Mya is totally going for the cute vote with those curled paws, and a high degree of difficulty considering it looks like she's asleep on the back of the couch:
And doing her best sphinx impression:
Into the ring comes the entry from I Have Cat. Very nice form, kitties. VERY nice.
Here's one of our French competitors, Sei-Chan from The Pouponette. Gorgeous!
Next up come the kitties from the Casbah Kitten.
Alice? Those back paws? TOO CUTE!
And Jane is going for gold in the "sleeping where I'm not allowed" category:
It's time now for one of the Island competitors, Wally from the Island Cats. Such poise and balance!
Up next is Marcy Stein from Cat Lady Diary. Showing great composure in not rolling over and letting that sun on her belly, I must say.
Stepping up now is one of our honorary kitty kat competitors, Drill Sgt Zim from the Army of Four. He's gone for a high degree of difficulty with napping on the Sitzbank, which is strictly NOT allowed in his house. Way to go, Zim!
Next in the ring is sweet little Paddy all the way from the Netherlands, of Cats in Trees fame. I just don't know how anycat is going to compete with this pose:
Here's our friend Wilbur of the Washington Woos, demonstrating how to sleep in a basket on top of his aunt's wedding invitations - very helpful Wilbur!
And on top of the television. Is that a warm spot? Should I be giving that a go too?
Showing some floofalicious form here is Ellie from Cory Cat Blog. So much floof! So much style!
And here we have our Kiwi competitor Inigo Flufflebum, showing us how to keep our tushies warm on a cold day:
Our final competitors for today are from the Kitty Krew.
Here's Pixie demonstrating some excellent gymnastic ability:
And here's Ziggy doing what he does best - being cute:
And some combined napping from Ziggy, Roxy and Bugsy:
Tune in tomorrow for more great competitors!
There's some hard core napping there. I'm getting exhausted just watching!
Fabulous entries again.
Fabulous entries, all of them. Our human feels just like Zack about Monday mornings.
Paddy napping in the tree, though....That pose is in a class all by itself!
hey Huffle Mawson,
You kitties sure know how to make napping into an extreme sport! I have never seen such odd, interesting, difficult, bizarre napping positions in my life! I don't envy you picking a winner. What a great group of competitors!
Both Paddy in the tree and Inigo Flufflebum warming her tush are pretty cool pictures, and napping positions!
Good luck to all the amazing competitors!
Clearly, Competitive Napping is by far THE most popular event! We just can't imagine how you will narrow this down to just 3 medals, Huffle!
I think the competition here is even more fierce than in the human Olympics!
How comfy do they look!
Jeez, that's a lot of tough competition!
You have a very difficult job. The standard of entries is very high.
Oh dear, oh dear. So many cats, so many naps. And all naps are like all cats: unique and beautiful. You must feel as if you are judging a staring competion for the blind.
Some very, very strong entries! It is going to be a close contest for sure!
Those are all such wonderful entries!!
Flynn is my winner for the day. :)
I'm rooting for my momma Ellie!!!
Of course this is such tough competition, that next time I think my momma should enter the half-pipe instead.
Goodness, there are such great entries, we had no idea the competition would be so tough! We're happy to be included, though we don't think our chances are good with all the other great entries. But it's been fun to participate anyway. :)
Paddy is adorable, and Zack (?) hating Mondays is just too cute.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Great entries! There's going to be though competition. Good luck all.
More pawsome entries! We can't imagine how you are going to chooose!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Great pics! Love Zach's pic!
awwww they are all so adorable! I love Zack :). I feel exactly the same on Monday mornings.
Huffle, you certainly have your work cut out for you! xoxo
Wow...Very tough competition I see...especially Dear Paddy. that is one of the cutest things I have ever seen.
Amazing form and poses by all. :D
Huffle you are doing such a grate job at this, i loves your narratives.
I would have to say Paddy gets the gold both for difficulty and style. How can anykitteh compete with THAT?
Very kyoot, all the entries.
Look at Paddy - how cute!!! We think you might have to separate the cats and dogs - those cats have mastered the art of napping - hate to admit it but they have it all over us pups.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
oh my goodness! huffle mawson came to say hi on my bloggie?! that is very exciting to me, you are a very famous cat. i have seen you around, even before i got into the catblogging world! i do not mind that you are spotless. that is just another word for clean, and clean is always nice. i did not know you came from a bad place too, we have a lot in common so far. please come back again, i plan to update every day and keep in touch with my new furrends! (and oh my, these kitty-limpicks are very crazy!)
Each one is just incredible! They're totally amazing - and rather inspiring! I stand in awe of these athletes. And now... now I'm going to go take a nap.
Tail wags,
Oh wow! What great entries. We love Flynn's beefcake pose on the computer desk. That's sure to get the attention of all the ladies!
goodness mewie! what a hoomungus number of entries! Good luck with the judging Huffle...its gonna be a toughie!
So many wonderful entries. It's amazing to see the expertise of the world's best nappers, all in one place!
Wow! so many great entries..but sleeping in tree branches.....WOW
Oh Miss Huffle, how will you ever choose??
Another slew of great entries. I knew Snafu was in trouble when I saw Paddy's death defying nap. Truly outragious!
~Lisa Co9T
LOVE Zach's pic!!! so cute!!!!
Oh my!
Such dessert fur my eyes!
Hahahahahahahaha!!!! What a great bunch of poses!!! This is too hard. There are a few we love especially Inigo front of the heater! heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Wow! what great entries. They were all very good. I really like the cat in the tree the best. That one is gonna be hard to beat.
Excellent performances by all!
The Cat in the Tree was just excellent, but I have to say Inigo Flufflebum with the tushie warming wins on two levels, a great postion, and body warmth.
Zack and Paddy are both A-MAZ-ING! On your face and in a tree..Can you do that, Huffle-Puff? Oh, I know, you can do it in a SHOE! Let's see some cool photos in your mom's Jimmy Choo's!
The napping kitties always make us smile. They also make us want to go nap...
These are great!! Kitties are just the funniest and cutest. Seems like computers are a favorite with most cats :)
Sooo cute! Now if only humans could look that good when snoozling.
OH my felines! How are you gonna pick a winner? all those bellaaays need ZERBERTS!
wild dingo
OMD I think I've spotted the winner. Wait a minute! Hold it! Huffle, what's going on? I can't pick a winner yet. Where are my entries? I object. I want to be disqualified. Did I say this right? BOL
Of course, I want to vote for myself, but I have to say that Flynn totally cracks me up.
It is getting better and better!
Kisses and hugs
Man oh man, the competition is heating up!
Hey Huffle,
WOW! Such napping talent! Who'd of known? It is going to be difficult to determine winners from amongst so many deserving entries. It is amazing; truly amazing.
Those kitties are some funny nappers!! And, I thought Khady has some strange sleepy pawsitions!!
Ha-roo, it really is fun to see how cats nap....even honorary ones! (go zim)
a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo & moo too
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