Look, I have my very own Siberian puppy! Isn't he cute?
Here he is doing a little puppy play bow to me! He's so adorable.
My puppy does not have a name yet. Have you got any suggestions? He was sent to me by my best friend Zim and I wanted to call him Zim but mum says that would be too confusing, because we already named dad's computer Zim. So if you have any ideas for his name, I want to hear them!
That is a cute little puppy. We don't know what you should call him, but he looks like he would enjoy bunny kicking with you. Maybe you should call him Parsley.
How about Parsley Pot?
Or Miz?
That's so cool that he's play bowing at you! What a great little guy!
I'm not sure what you should call him - did you ask him what his name is?
Play bows,
Maybe call him Zoom...it goes with Zim...
He's adorable! I bet Storms is a little jealous, she just loves puppies! Does he do zoomies, too?
Woos & a-roos
Star & Jack a-roo
Sim Zim - As in in Simulated Zim(ulated).
How about Puppy Zim?
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi, Huffle!
Kisses and hugs
How about Ozzie? I think it has a certain ring to it. I think maybe Bun since he is doing a little bunny kick and that is what mom and dad called me sometimes when I was(am) a puppy, or piggie.
Your new friend is very cute!
My husky's name was Koda.
I had an idea to name him Miz but Khyra beat me to it, so make it two for Miz!
He is just so cute, just like the guy that sent him to you!
What a cute little puppy friend!
What a sweet gift from Zim! We were going to say Miz too but it seems we're doubly late with that choice.
you could call him Ziffel
We thinks that he is cute, cute! Does he eat your food?
I guess it's cute, but be careful or your humans will get real puppies for you and that is not good.
We suggest the names Stewie or Brian.
Steve and Kat
I like SimZim, or MinZim, for Mini Zim, or maybe just MZ?
Or, what about Pip? For pipsquee, which means small.
What a cute little puppy toy. I vote for "Parsley". By the way, when does your new pot arrive.
As you play with it, a name will come to you.
We know you'll find just the best name! What we want to know is if he is house trained and are you going to take him to obedience classes☺
What a fab new toy. Why don't you call him Zimmer?
We also thought of ZOOM because puppies love to do "zoomies!"
We agree: Parsley!
help yourself to the badge from my bloggie too ~ for being a green gardener!
Mom says if he doesn't eat, poop or get sick, he's Purrfect!
What a cute pet - I think all siberian puppies should be called Balto.....
Hi Huffle,
Your new pet is quite cute. We like the suggestion to call him Parsley is very GOOD.
Madi and Mom
What a cute puppy! That was nice of Zim to send him to you. We don't have any ideas but like several of the ones here.
Have fun with your new pet friend!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
It's great to have a pet, something to take care of and play with.
I think Eric and Flynn have it right...call him PARSLEY!
Huffle-puffle, you can see I have begun the campaign to Restore Huffle Mawson's Parsley Pot...Please rest assured. We shall conduct a fair campaign using the gentle art of purrrrrrr-suasion (coupled with a BOP on the head, if necessary) to encourage your mom to Restore your PP...and not just any ol' PP. The CB/DWB wants a SHINY NEW Pot that conforms to the unique Huffle shape which you bear so proudly...with ample room for the parsleys.
Your friend,
Angus Mhor
Hi Huffle,
Your puppy is adorable. I think you should name him "Tundra" because Huskies are from the tundra.
Hi Huffle! Mickey's internets is broken so don't worry about him...
Parsley. Definitely.
Hey Huffle,
You can call him Sibe.
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