Yesterday, mum and dad spent all day cleaning out the garage in preparation for the garden man who is coming on Tuesday morning. That's so the garden man can get to the back garden through the garage. It looks a lot better now but it was very tiring so I am very sleepy today.

I will be sitting on mum's toasty couch blanket next to my heater, like this. I wasn't happy with the flashy beast capturing me like this last night so I poked my tongue out at it.
I am still working on getting a photo of dad's Cookie Monster slippers. Don't worry, I will get it!
WOO Huffle, sounds like woo have earned your rest. Be lazy and keep warm!!
WOOOOO woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
Its very warm here where we live in the USA, so its hard to think of furry you, snuggled in your blanket with your heater on! Whooo!
What will the man do with your garden, Huffle?
Oh Huffle you are my hero with your tongue protests!
You're very cute ^^
I hope you get the picture you want, we're curious =x
Jas & Gi
That must have been very tiring. We hope you are catching up on your "cat naps". Now about those cookie monster pictures????? Do woo need help?
Husky Hugs, MayaMarie
It's a good idea to rest up in front of the heater, and stay toasty after all that effort. It sounds like you have lots of energy to replenish.
What a very toasty comfy-looking blankie that is.
Hope you had a good rest.
Woos, the OP Pack
Happy Lazy Sunday, Huffle!
Kisses and hugs
So, how is lazy Sunday diffurent than your
Lazy Monday
I'm just pawin'
hey Huffle Mawson,
Cleaning a garage?!? That seems so un-Huffle like.
I am very curious to see these Cookie Monster slippers.
You have been very busy there! Your tongue is cute sticking out!
Also, I want you to know I tagged you for a game! I don't know if you have done this game. If you would like to play it you can come on over to visit me and see what you have to do to play. But you might be too busy seeing you are trying to get you dad in his Cookie Monster slippers! I am looking forward to seeing those!
I am sure you were as much help as we would be in garage cleaning. Humans and their projects. We could watch for hours.
Oh noes, you is chasing dad with the flashy box. I bet he hates it too.
Give him some fosters and twisties and tell him to flash us his cookie monsters. Go dad!!
Resting on a soft, comfy blanket by a nice warm heater...our idea of heaven! For cats and humans.
We are still excited about seeing the cookie monster slippers ~ don't forget we neeed to see your dad wearing them for best effect!
Have a nice snuggly day!
Aww, Huff, you do so good at sticking your tongue out at the flashy box! Enjoy your toasty blankie and your heater!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Did you have to snoopervise your mom and dad while they did the garage!? That can be SO tiring! Be sure to get some rest, OK?
I can't wait to hear all about the garden plans!
Play bows,
Hey BFF! I see your tongue sticking out there! Were you just finishing a bath?
Hope you are staying warm, but I am wondering about those cookie monster slippers......hhhmmm.
We saw you on JB's page and thought you were cute! We LOVE lazing around on toasty blankets too, but it's now summer here! Hope you stop by our page! We looked for the link to follow your blog (well our human did, and she couldn't find it!) Silly humans!
The Kool~Kittie~Krew
Wow, Huffle, you shouldn't work so hard. Take a break every once in a while and eat some ham.
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