Go outside and play in the sawdust, which is very thoughtfully put there for you by the man doing the garden!

You can see I already have some on my tail, and just after the pupperazzi took this photo I proceeded to roll in the sawdust, then bring it inside for mum to see. She got all excited and started yelling and everything!
Excellent work. Annoying the humans is a top priority here at Chez Herd.
Maybe now she will help you find your parsley pot:)
Play bows, the OP Pack
What's your mom's problem? You were just being nice to her, helping her decorate.
Way to go, Huffs! Did she say stuff like "THANK you, Huffle! THANK you!"?!? With maybe some quivering emotion in her voice? That's how you know they REALLY appreciate what you do.
Play bows,
You're so thoughtful, Huffle!
Boy, would I have loved to roll in sawdust. That would be furry hard to get out of the coat, wouldn't it?
You have so much fun, Huffle!
She yelled about sawdust??? She should see the stuff we roll in!
Well, we gotta say, that sure is one good way to get your momma's hackles up! You get an A for effort!
Hi, Huffle!
I wonder why our moms get annoyed with a little dirt!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
it's nice when they get excited isn't it?
I guess your mom didn't like your interior decorating skills.
The nice man just wanted you to have some fun, Huffle. Nothing wrong in that, is there?
Channeling your inner husky?
Princess Eva
The yelling means that she really appreciates you bringing the sawdust inside. You should bring some more in tomorrow.
That's okay. It just gives her something to aim at with her vacuum. Life is for living. That's how we cats roll.
hey Huffle Mawson,
What a nice garden man! He probably felt bad about the missing parsley pot so he gave you all that fun sawdust to play and roll around in! I think your mom was excited and yelling because you looked so cute and she wished the flashy beast was around to capture the moment! You must do it again tomorrow!
At least it wasn't something really dirty! We think you did a good job getting the humans to yelling!
Good morning Huffle....sawdust becomes you...Hope your garden is progressing as expected.
Madi and Mom
Hi Huffle,
Moms...can't live with, can't live without them!! I told Mom she needs to slow down, smell the roses and take a deep breath.
And I'll bet you smelled all nice and sawdust-y, didn't you? It really freshens up a room-tell your mom that!
That was so sweet of you to do that for your mum! What a good kitty you are, Huff.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Surely she didn't make a fuss about a itsy bitsy teeny weeny ton of sawdust? How unreasonable! Beans! :sigh:
PS: We hardly dare ask ~ but any noos on the whereabouts of your parsley pot yet?
Hi Huffle. I like to roll in the garden dirt just under mom's potato plants. It is cool there. Of course then I have to succumb to a combing when I get in the house...mom is picky about those things. Hope you find your parsley pot soon.
We like to track in dead leaves in the fall, cuz they stick to our fur. Mom is never happy with us when we do that either.
Well for heaven's sake Huffle, it's not YOUR fault that sawdust was there!!
Ooops I hope your mum didnt yell too much.
Schheech what is wrong with mums, whats wrong with a bit of sawdust rolling.
Hugs GJ xx
We're sure your mom was very happy with all the sawdust you brought her....
OMG this so reminds me of my dear Sasha. She is pure black like you Huffle and LOVES to roll in everything she shouldnt roll in. Then she comes in the house looking like PigPen from Peanuts, trails of dust and dirt floating behind her. Glad to know she's not the only one to do it!!
Nice work!!! Keep at it until your parsley pot returns.
Hey Huffle,
Seems to us that if you had somewhere to perch out in the yard, like maybe a Parsley Pot, you wouldn't be rolling in sawdust and annoying the mum.
I do this trick with dirt all the time!
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