This is one of the toys I got in my package from Addie and Lucie a while back. He is tied to a long string so dad attached him to the stair handrail for me.

I like to grab him with my paws and smack him around.

Then sometimes I bite him. He likes it, really!
I wish I was there, I would help you wap him and put the bitey on him !!
Some 'toys' are like that!
That looks really fun! Hey, is that your Wubba I see poking into the photo?
Play bows,
Hmmm. That sounds like the same way The Herd plays with Rusty.
Bitey, bitey, bitey! I would definately be all nibbley on mr. mousie there.
Cute toy, Huffle! I want to tell you my Happy Hearts cookies came today and they are sooooo good! Thank you for the prize and go see my blog where I wrote more about them.
Sure looks like a fun toy - are you sure he likes it?
The more we see that pink collar, the more we love it.
Woos, the OP Pack
What a wonderfully whappable toy:)
Looks fun... I think I am following you on Twitter?
Tough love, eh, Huffle? Mouse and Leila Tov have a new obsession with ponytail holders right now. They keep leaving them in Ari's water dish. Guess who isn't crazy about that arrangement.
So he likes it when you play rough? :-)
Happy playing time, Huffle!
Kisses and hugs
Ooooooooooooo!! Now that would relieve some tension ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey
Now that you've shown your tough side, maybe you don't need a bodyguard. Not that we've seen him lately.
Princess Eva
I love the collar, Huffle. Purple is your color!
Yup, of course the toys like the bitey, or why would they be cat toys. lol
Hugs GJ xx
hey Huffle Mawson,
"Smack him around"..."bite him"... yipes Huffle Mawson! I have never seen this side of you before! Kinda scary!
You should be doing that action against the flashy beast!
Cool toy. Mine like the bitey too! Only sometimes they get lost!
Oh Huffle, woo mean thing! We're going to start calling woo "Ruff Tuff Huff"
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
Looks like a fun toy, does it bounch from the stringy thing too or just hang there? We hope you have lots of fun with it!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Bugsy, Sassy, Callie, Roxy, and Pixie, and Their Mommy
Oh my gosh! My friend Rambo just gave me that exact same toy! I like to grab the string in the night and bring the toy into my mom's bed. She likes to have a mouse in her bed.
Humm... you need to work on your humans, my BFF! I won't play with those unless Mom waves it in front of me. But if it is handing there like your dad did for you, forget about it.
Nice Mouse!!!!
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