This is Bazza. He is a very large and mean looking crocodile. Mum and dad got him for me when they went to Darwin a few years ago. He usually lives on the middle shelf of my
cat tower.

He's quite large, much bigger than I am. I refused to pose for a photo next to him so you can't tell his size properly.

He has big scary teeth so I think he could be a good bodyguard, but I am not sure how fast he is, and whether he has the ability to keep the pupparazzi out of my face.
I like Alex for the job. Seems like he already is quite the candidate! Excellent background in protection, already. Thanks for coming to my blog for Easter. Hope your family had a nice weekend, too.
Well, Bazza should be as fast as Alex and Bazza is definitely scarier. Max says brawn over brain and votes for Brazza. OBTW: We doubt seriously that anyone lives on the cat tower other than perhaps Ms. Pursey Handbag, Mr. Carr Keyes, Mr. Otto Stuff, and Miss Elaine E. Usjunk.
I am feeling the fierceness of Bazzza and am quite fond of his use of the letter 'z' in his name. But on a personal safety note, I feel he might not be trusted as he looks quite hungry. I suggest to keep him handy for the brute squad should they need to be summoned. But otherwise use sparingly.
Yeah, that's what we're talkin' bout! He's got real good TOOFIES!!!!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
He looks a little intimidating. is he anything like the big lizards Daisy and Harley have in their backyard sometimes? You have to be safe and happy though Huffle,we'll keep seeing the candidates.
Yep he has the teeth for the job,sure is a front runner.
Hugs Ginger Jasper xx
Once again, Huffle, I must ask, does this creature make noise?? I don't see the advantage to a bodyguard that is noiseless, do you?
Time to re-think this, I'd say.
Huffle - Maybe rather than selecting one, you could just have a posse. it is the very in thing to do now.
You could hide behind him...
While he does have the bulk and the big teeth, I still don't think he is the one.
Princess Eva
Hi, Huffle!
Hmmm.... I am not so sure.
He does not look very scary... even with those toofies!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Huffle!
I think that alligator looks perfect for the job! I think that alligators used to protect kings and queens in big castles so I'm sure he can keep you safe!
:) Tibby
Those big teeth are a big plus for the job!
Bazza looks like he could do some major tail whappage to keep you safe. Another worthy candidate!
He is quite scarey and has huge teefs. We think he wud make an excellent bodyguard!
Bazza looks like he could protect you from anything!
Bazza looks like he has a bazillion sharp teeths. That alone could come in very handy. We think he should be on on the short list!
I like this guy! If he's bigger than you, you could hide behind him and the pupparazzi wouldn't be ABLE to point the flashy beast at you! They wouldn't be able to FIND you!
Play bows,
Hmm, dem teefs are quite formidable...and yoo could hide behind him if needed. He's a good possiblility.
We prefer the 'gator. This one is a bit intimidating.
Hmmmm....we think Bazza looks too friendly...not good for a bodyguard....
More green??? But definitely an improvement - teeth and claws. And the name is intimidating too. A possibility.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
His teeth are big and scary, but he also looks cute. I'm not sure if cute is good for a bodyguard.
Now Bazza has the right look, the right size and fierce looking teeth. He should definitely make it to the finals.
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