Ages ago, when Barack Obama was inaugurated as the President of the USA (for those of you living under a rock :), there was a lot of fuss made about the hat worn by Aretha Franklin when she sang.

Personally, I think it looks good. I don't know what the big deal was.
Oh Huffle!
That SOOOOO khompletes your khute feline pakhkage!
Well yeah it looks good on YOU...on her it was pretty much horrific. I think you carry the look a whole lot better, truly you do.
Yeah... but see, YOU can carry it off. It takes a very cool cat to do that. She's just not as coooool as you are. Seriously.
Play bows,
One needs a certain something to carry that look off.
It takes a big personality to carry a big bow like that.
Princess Eva
It looks lovely on you Huffle. It was kind of distracting on Aretha Franklin though. We couldn't tell if her hat was shimmering or if it had lights on it.
Looking good Huffle! I think it complements your fur.
Huffle! My Mom has a hat just like that. Its on one of the old posts, after January 21st!
She's gonna love this!
Well, it certainly is a much better statement on you than on her!!!! Very stylish, Ms. Huffle.
Woos, the OP Pack
Hi Huffle!
You look wonderful in that hat! It definitely compliments your fur!
:) Tibby
Heya Huffle,
You can pull it off better than Ms. Franklin did for sure. Of course, we have onlt the upmost
R-E-S-P-E-C-T for your fashion sense.
You look very stylish!
You look beautiful!
Kisses and hugs
::Claps paws with delight::
Harrrrrr Huffle
That hat is so you Harrrrr.
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
I like it, Huffle! Very fashionable! You could wear a different one every day. Well, it's just an idea.
See ya!
We think that's what it was SUPPOSED to look like when Aretha wore it. You were it well, Huffle.
Oh!! We love that bow! So cute!
hey Huffle Mawson,
I don't know, Huffle. Your hat is pretty and all but it really brings out your big shiny eyes. And against your pretty black coat, your eyes kind-of scare me!
Even though I'm a dude cat I can still appreciate beautiful hats/headpieces. And you look gorgeous!
xo Romeo
it duzzen't look good ...
it lookz FABYOOLUS!!!!
Oh but Huffle darling, WOO can pull it off!
It looks precious on woo!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
You look great.
Mum said that picture realy cheered her up.
Hugs GJ x
Tres chic, Huffle!
We think the hat looks better on you than it did on her....
It looks good on you, and brings out your feminine side.
That's quite a good looking hat! Just perfect for Easter.
I don't remember seeing the inauguration, but I didn't have a home just then. Maybe the girl can show me it online. :)
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