A few days ago, my friend
Indy had a
contest on his blog. He put up some photos and everyone got to suggest a caption for them. Well, guess what? I won! You can see the photos of the flamingos and I suggested they might be doing the Time Warp. Here is the trophy I won:

Isn't it great? Thanks Indy!
Woo were pretty darned khlever and soooo deserved it!
Way to go Huffle! You did a great job!
well, congratulations! That's gotta be better than Olympic gold!
Congratulations, Huffle, your award is beautiful And you so deserved it too.
woo, the OP Pack
my mommy dances the timewarp every year during blogathon. this year, she had to do it on crutches but she did it.
put your hands on your hips (or somebody else's!) you press your knees in tiiight!
great and clever comment Huffle. you deserve that trophy.
PS as for below, there is NOTHING like a good carpet to sharpen your claws on even of tecknically you aren't allowed....
That was a really good caption for that photo Huffle! And what a nice prize to go along with your winning idea! CongratWOOlations!!
First time huMom saw RHPS she won a cassette tape of the soundtrack (and they called her a virgin... haROOOO!!). That was WAYYYYY before our time.
Wooooo woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
hey Huffle Mawson,
Funny comment you made about those kewl pink birds! And congrats on winning the trophy! It will look great next to all your other awards. Since you DJ you must know all about dance moves.
You have had an interesting week - you went from vicious, to naughty, to winning! Always better to go from bad to good, rather than good to bad.
P.S. Thank you for your offer to come visit me. I would love to have you visit anytime you want. We can hang by the pool and chill since neither of us swim. It would be nice to have a friend come over. We live near an airport too, so your supersonic speed-of-light transporter jet can land nearby.
Oooh, shiny! What a great trophy, Huffle! Too bad you didn't win one of the Flamingos, too.
Congratulations! Very very VERY nice award!!!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
Congratulations, Huffle! We always knew you were a cool cat, but now that we know you are also a fan of great films, we are absolutley smitten.
Congratulations, Huffle!
Ha roo roo roo! I start laughing every time I think about that, Huffle! You bust me up!
Play bows,
Concatulations! You are one clever cat!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
Congratulations on your award for your clever caption!
Hahaha! Huffle that was a good one! Congrats on your win!
Such a shiney trophy!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Very clever. I don't think I would be that creative. Congratulations for winning the caption contest.
Momma loves Rocky Horror and remembers doing the Time Warp. Yes, adult beverages were involved but she still remembers.
Princess Eva
Meow Huffle...I am on my way over. Perhaps we can have a Meowtini or something out of it?
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