Do you ever get caught doing things you're not meant to do? I am usually a good girl but I LOVE to sharpen my claws on the carpet. There is a rug downstairs that I am allowed to scratch, and I never touch the couch, but I am not really meant to be doing this. Oops.

I have to wonder, though, why I get told it's so wrong when mum ran and got the camera this time!
Bekhause that must be your khat trait!
We RARELY got khaught!!
Tell your human that she could be spending a lot of money on a contraption that rakes the pile of the carpet to make it more fluffy, but you are doing it for free. Demand payment for your services.
I never used to bother the couch, but now I have started it and my mom gets super mad. She doesn't get the camera though. Do you think that means I should do it more?
Good point!
to prove that you are indeed evil?
jen (edda's mommy who has her evil cat [not edda] next to her)
mommy and daddy usually spray me with the water bottle when i do that!
Sometimes it feels so good to be bad!
I think she wanted to catch you in the act on film! That way you can never deny it...hah! Like you'd care!
Huffle, my mom just likes to say your name. Huffle, Huffle, Huffle.
I'm going to keep counter surfing until huMom catches me on camera!! Because, obviously it's OK....
Woooo woo, Maebe
Ooh, ooh, ooh! I wrote about this very thing today....I think it can't be wrong either. Isn't furniture and carpets there for our usage?
Huffle, did you wipe your feet first? Maybe it's OK to do it when your feet are wiped.
I tried that on mom's sofa. It didn't go over so well.
Huffle - If she's catching you on film, maybe she's going to blackmail you later on. Better watch out for unusual demands she starts making!!
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
Huffle, I LOVE to sharpen my clawrs on the carpet, too!
I always like to use the side of the matress but the humans go a bit wild when I do this. FAZ
Hey best friend! If your mom's got the camera going, it means you're so cute there's no WAY you can be in trouble. It's part of being a husky!
I like Meeshka's answer! And seriously, act like whatever you're being caught doing is no big deal. Not that I'VE ever been caught doing anything!
Play bows,
humans are so confusing sometimes.
Princess Eva
I agree with Schmoo that you are keeping the carpet from getting matted. Besides, as long as you look that cute doing it, you're not going to get in trouble.
Wow you really look like luna in that photo (though I haven't caught her clawing the carpet yet).
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