A while back, my attorney-at-claw Queen
Meeshka had her claws trimmed (*gasp*). Until they grew back, I offered her my claws to use instead. I thought it would be good to show you how sharp my claws really are.

This photo is from when I was just lying on my bed asleep (where is Mr Mouse, I hear you ask? I don't know). So these are not even extended claws - these are claws at rest.
I noticed they were khwite the khyttyhusky talons during your fun fest with Mr Mouse!
Woo! Those are very impressive if I do say so myself. That was nice of you to offer your services to Meeshka.
All we heard our mom say was "OUCH", but we bet woo only use them on evil critters.
Wags, the OP Pack
edda is due to have her claws trimmed. don't tell her!
Wow! What long, sharp claws you have. Mom trims mine before they ever get that long.
WOW! WOO are not a kitty to be crossed. WOO can mess a doggie up good! Ever use those on Salvador?
Wooooo woo rar rar rar,
Kayla and Maebe
hey Huffle Mawson,
You scare me.
Mighty impressive!
Remind us never to make you mad!!! Those look dangerous.
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
Whoa! Those are some sharp claws! Mom would be trimming those if they were ours!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
You have great clawrs, Huffle!
Wow, what nice shredders.
Those are pawsome claws attached to a beautful paw :)
Purrs Mickey
Wow, those really put my claws to shame. Mom is very happy my claws don't look like that.
What beautifully manicured paws you have Huffle. FAZ
Whoa! Those are some awesome and very sharp clawrs.
I imagine that I'm not Mr. Mouse. Pleez tell me I aren't!
Watch out whatever gets on the end of those claws ! Mine are a bit tatty cos I use them to climb wif.
Those are wonderful claws! the only thing I don't see are bits of sleepy pants embedded in them. Try practicing that tonight.
Remind me to keep my little snooter away from your claws, OK?
Play bows,
Very impressve!
WHOA Huffle! Those are some pretty white claws! How do you keep yours so clean when you have to go in and out of a litter box. Those make my claws kinda dirty sometimes.
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