Mum keeps telling me to get my floof in order but I just don't know what she's talking about.
Are you ready for the Olympics? There are less than two weeks to go now!
Huffle says we got a message from her web host saying the mailbox was nearly full so if you submitted a picture and didn't get a reply from her please try again. Also, if you wanted to enter but missed the deadline you can have until this Wednesday (July 18) to get your entries in.
Yes you do look very manly posing there.
We have just emailed our photos to you. Silly mum has got all behind with it so we are lucky we could still enter.
Hey there Huffle and Teddy,
Good to see you kitties again. It is way too hot here for me to even think but I did want to say HI to you both.
That deck is looking good, Teddy! Even better with YOU on it... although I am sure Huffle does not agree...
Ted, we don't see anything wrong with your furs either ;) heehee
Yay!!! We can still enter! Mom could not find the pic she wanted, then got busy,then fell asleep on the deadline date :o
Good Moms are hard to find!! She does give good scritches though ,heehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie
Teddy - you looks tired. Better roll over and have a snooze.
Teddy, your floof is looking very mancatly.
Teddy you look so handsome..I'm getting a bit woozy looking at all that mancatly floof.
Teddy, your floof looks in order to us!
So we can still send in our picture? We'll get the mom on it!!
Happy Moncat Monday everyone. I hope that you have a great and witty monday :D
Dog Shock Collar | Puppy Bond
Holy cow Teddy, when DID you get so floofy!!!
Teddy, when did you grow into such a big, beautiful mancat?
We think you fluff looks just fine. I will nag mummy to send my entries, she is really behind with her duties tut tut :)xx
The human thinks she'd like a snorgle of that fluffy white belly.
Teddy, I think you're magnificent! srsly.
You look like a male centerfold for PlayCat. Seriously.
But do what Auntie Trace tells you to do, OK? And be nice to Huffle!
Play bows,
Teddy, we girls think you are Verreh Studly.
In a goonish way, of course.
I think you look pretty fierce in that picture. Good job.
you loook very nom-able today!
Ms. Stella O'houligan
Teddy, you look mancatly AND floofy! We have an entry that we (read: the mom and dad!) have to send. They better do it tonight!
Teddy, you look very man-cat-ly and magnificent! I wanted to say hello to you and Huffle!
Very manly indeed :-)
Teddy, you are so handsome!!
You're looking purrty good to us!
The Florida Furkids and Lexi
Youre looking nice and floofy Teddy. And my how you've grown!
These cats are too cute. :3
I have to say, I don't see anything wrong with your floof..
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