No Teddy, this is how you be a good cat.
I know it has been a very long time since we posted (thanks MUM!) but hopefully in the next couple of weeks things will get back to normal. And stand by on Sunday next week for a big competition announcement!
You know the Olympics are on this year, right?
We remember you! Huffle, you look as lovely and ladylike as ever. Teddy, well, you look Teddyish.
Miss Huffle! Lovely as always, Miss Huffle, and Teddy is looking rather like a nice mancat today, too.
Of course we remember you! We are excited for the Olympics this year...we've been practicing our synchronized snoozing in anticipation!
How nice to see beautiful Ms Huffle, and the very handsome, Teddy!
Of course we are looking forward to the Summer Olympics, are you two gonna be there?
Huffle, where have you BEEN? We have all missed you!
How could we possibly forget some of our most wonderful friends? We would be thrilled to see you posting regularly again!
The Chans
i've missed you both, please do come back asap.
It's great to see you, we've missed you both! We hope everyone is well, just been busy. :-)
Hello, again! Taking a month off from blogging every now and then can be a good thing! Have you been extry good, Teddy?
I must confess that I have not watched the Olympics in many years.
We missed you! It's so good to see y'all back. We hope your time away was good.
Hey, it's nice to see you guys!
AH! Now THIS is a great way to kick off the weekend! A post from my bestest friend!!! (...and Teddy.)
Great to see you, Huffs!!!
Play bows,
Miss Huffle! Teddy-the-Goon!
We have missed you both so much. CC has been pining for his lady love. We have our (metaphorical) thinking caps on for an event to sponsor...something that involves about COUNTER SURFING?
Wonderful to see you! We're getting ready for our first time competing in the Cat Olympics!
Truffle and Brulee
Hello to beautiful Huffle and handsome Teddy! Beau-meau-tiful ladycat and mancat!
It is soo nice to see you two again! I have been away a bit, myself, but I have been trying to keep up with the news.
Since I couldn't officially go to the ball, may I come over for a bit (after I crash the ball)?? We have lots of things to catch up on.
Now you know we could never forget two beautiful cats like you. Those pictures are gorgeous. Nice to see you and see you soon.. Hugs GJ xx
Of course we remember you and Teddy! We could never forget you two! We don't get to visit as many of our friends as we would like to. Glad to see you back!!!
Of course you're remembered! Good to see you again.
Huffle, you are unforgettable. Teddy, too, but in a different way. :-) So happy to see you again!
Lizzie & 3 kitties
Welcome Back! You both look wonderful.
Happy, happy, joy, joy dance, you updated!!!!!!! Have really missed you and am looking forward to seeing more of you two!!!!
How could we ever forget you Huffle!
Hi Huffle - you are my inspiration. And Teddy, I've missed my Bad Boy.
Love Ruby
PS Tonight I broke a crystal glass full of red wine when I was scooting over the coffee table- it smashed into a gazillion pieces and red wine went everywhere - on the rug, in the floorboards, on the sofa, walls, Scott's bag...are you proud of me Teddy dear? R x
Both of you are so well posed for those pictures!
Whoa, is that really you, Huffle? Good to see you and Teddy too.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
You two are unforgettable! Well, Huffle, you're unforgettable... then there's Teddy, I guess... ;-)
I am very happy to see you again, Huffle!
And Teddy too!
Olympics?? I am so ready for them!
Kisses and hugs
Yippee you're back!!
FINALLY, you are back!!! I have been reading your old entries and checking your blog every day. Almost gave up...
Huffle, although I do have a soft spot for Teddy, you do look more like the good cat in this photo despite the reputation of all-black cats. I never liked all-black cats until YOU so you are very special to me :)
Please keep posting. I would like to hear more about Teddy's mischief and your ways of disciplining him, if possible.
Your latest fan.
Hi Huffle!
Hi Teddy!!
It's so good to see both of you.
Mum says that Teddy is sure looking very Big and Mancatly these days!
We are glad to see you back! :)
We has missed yous! Its good to sees yous back! And me is not too sure Teddy is a good cat.
Awwwww Huffle and Teddy, we have missed you so much. So glad to see you back :)xxxx
Glad to have you back---both of you. You both look great in your pictures.
hey Huffle Mawson and Teddy,
So furry happy to see you both back! I have missed the both of you and would never forget either of you! Huffle, you look stunning as ever! So classy! And Teddy, you are a good cat! And you look like a very cool cat, just hanging on the bed, chillin.' Enjoy!
Of COURSE we remember you you, Huffle and Teddy! We've missed you both. :)
Sorry I missed this post, we don't often visit on the weekends. It's lovely to see you both again!!!
DEAR Huffle, you look so smart and neat sitting like that in a very self contained fashion. Teddy definitely looks more sprawled out. Lynettea says Audrey Hepburn and James Dean come to her mind. I am too young to remember such ancient filmstars.
Oh Huffle, we always will remember you :) You are such a beautiful kitty!!!!
Teddy looks innocent when he is still ;) heehee
We have missed you, but our Mom is getting pretty lazy too :/
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
We sure have missed you both, gorgeous Huffle and adorable Teddy!!...We hope you all enjoy a happy, lazy weekend, precious friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
I nevFUR furget *BURP* a favourite snakhk!
Of course Pisi and Squeak remember you! We've been having trouble getting to our blog too lately. We've got a mom-in-love, and that's really a drag.
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