1. Thank the cat who gave it to you. Thanks Danielle!
2. Share nine things about yourself.
- I have two new white whiskers
- My Huffle cave is my favourite place to nap
- I sleep for 23 hours and 15 minutes per day, on average
- I usually walk around with my tail up
- I do not like anyone to touch my back paws
- I once bit mum on the hand
- I always win a game of smacky paws
- I do not like Temptations
- I like prawns just as much as ham
Well, there's no way I can choose just nine, so everyone who comments today gets this award from me! Happy Sunday everyone!
Congrats on the award, Huffle.
Wow, you don't like Temptations? That boggles our kitty brains! Mind you, we don't like Greenies. And Annie *will* leave treats uneaten when she's not in the mood. :-)
Have a terrific Sunday!
Concats on your award. We love temptations, but Eric doesn't eat them, he inhales them like a Hoover.
Hi, Huffle!
Happy Sunday!
Congratulations on your Award!
# 3 is my favorite too!
Kisses and hugs
Congrats on your award, Huffle!! We aren't picky...we love any kind of treats!!
Congratulations Huffle!!! I love your list! I especially love the one where you sleep 23 hours and 15 minutes!!! You are so great!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
You play the paw game too? So do Au and Target!
Hey Huffle,
Congrats on the award... I have never had Temptations. After my pancreatitis last year, I am very limited to what I CAN have. The vet lady says that I can have Greenies but not Temptations....
Ha! That is interesting facts about you! Jazzie walks around with her tail up a lot!
Two new white whiskers! Very impressive. We'll have to pay close attention to new photos and look for 'em!
Concatulations on your award! I have actually never had Temptations - my human calls it "kitty junk food" and won't let me have any. I only get healthy treats. Considering that healthy treats mean freeze dried chicken and duck hearts, I really don't mind!
Congratulations on your award!!
You don't like Temptations?!?! We looove them, but that's probably because we've never had PRAWN!!
Woo are my temptation!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
K, now I HAVE to marry you... I'd get all the temptations! *RUMBLEPURR*
ahhh just fascinating Huffle. I try to get a round 23 hours a day of sleeping too.
Perhaps occasionally I could do 24 if it wasn't for walkies.
I have never tried "temptations' owing to me being a dog an' all.
your pal,
Huffle, Temptations are GOOD! But, I have just discovered Friskies Party Mix and it is also very good. I bet prawns are beter, though.
Sending you some of our heat.
Congratulations on the award and we enjoyed reading your list Huffle; it's nice to get to know you better sweetie!...Hope you are having a fun Sunday...Kisses beautiful girl...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Congratulations Huffle. We like your list too!
Congrats on the award, Huffle. we enjoyed reading all the tidbits about you!
You don't like Temptations?! Huffle, what is wrong with you?!
What a sweet award!
And we love turkey even better than ham!
Hi Huffle. I have to agree with so many of the kit-cats who left comments and am shocked that you don't like the Temptations. I especially like that song they did about "Ball of Confusion". I also like "Can't Get Next to You" and "Ain't Too Proud to Beg", even though as a Siberian Husky, I refuse to beg.
Congrats on your award. I love reading all the interesting stuff about you.. Hugs GJ x
Those are great things to know about you. WE all like Temptations. I bet I would like prawns and ham, if mom would let me try both!
Huffle, you have some white whiskers? I have a black one amongst all my white ones!
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