Here are the questions.
1. What would your perfect day consist of?
That would be waking up NOT to an alarm clock, lazy breakfast and then spending some time taking photos on a beach or in a forest. Then a lovely dinner to finish.
2. How would you describe yourself if you were an item of clothing?
An extravagant pair of shoes.
3. What hobbies are you currently working on?
My photography.
4. Walk in the woods in wellies or barefoot on the beach?
Barefoot on the beach, definitely.
5. Have you ever hugged or sang to a tree?
No, but I do it metaphorically because I work in environmental management.
6. Growing your own veggies or nipping to the supermarket?
I tried growing parsley, but a certain little black cat kept snoozing in the pot. We don't have room to grow anything substantial but I have high hopes for my mini orange, lemon and lime trees this summer!
7. Have you found anyone exciting in your family tree?
No, but then again I haven't looked!
8. Slap up meal in a posh restaurant or fish'n'chips from the wrapper?
Posh meal. I LOVE good food!
9. Which element do you most resonate with, Earth, Water, Air or Fire?
Fire. I'm a Sagittarius.
Congratulations on your Award and thanks for sharing those things about you!
Happy Monday!
Kisses and hugs
Our Mommy hates the alarm clock, too! We like the alarm cuz it means it's time for breakfast.
We think it's funny that your Mom loves shoes and wants to walk bare-foot on the beach! hee hee...
Huffle, we loved reading your mum's answers!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Concats on the award! So great to learn more about your mum!!
Congratulations on your award; it was fun to learn a few things about your mum!
Our human hasn't had to set an alarm in years, because we always get her up by 4AM, if not before. She'd LOVE to be woken up by a clock alarm. LOL!
Congratulations on your award, Huffle's Mum; we enjoyed reading your answers and learning more about you...Happy week friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
hey Huffle Mawson,
Congratulations to you mum on such a lovely award! Your mum sounds very cool! I love great food too, so I think I would really like your mum! And how sweet that your mum mentioned you in one of her answers. See, you are always on her mind! :->
In the weekends I give Dushi the job of alarmclock and usually he does a good job, but this morning he was fast asleep. Wouldn't even wake up when I did.
Congratulations.. I loved reading about your mum. It's great to see how the mums think.. Hugs GJ x
Concatulations on the award Huffles Mom!!! But I must say I think having Huffle sleep on the parsley just makes it that much better. Yum yum
Your mom grew a little black cat in her parsley pot?!? How cool is THAT?!? Ha roo roo roo!
Congrats and great list!
Play bows,
Your mummy sounds cool, Huffle. Except for blaming you for the demise of the parsley. We know that's just not true :-)
Good answers, Huff's Mum! Nice to get to know you even better.
Well done on the award and nice to know your mum works for the environment.
My mom says she khan't believe the bit about the shoes...
Your Mum is cool!
I can't believe your mom brought up the Parsley pot!
Congrats, Huffle's mom, on your award! We enjoyed learning more about you!!
Our mom won't grow anything either but it's not because of a black cat. It's because a black Kat might dig it up and then a grey Steve might water it.
My little Huffle-puff, you have a very interesting mummy.
There should be a Mumday every now so often!
We enjoyed getting to know your mum a little better, Huffle!
Happy Mumday Huffle's Mummypants!
What a fun awardie and we loved getting to know your mum a little better. She seems like a cool person!
Hi Huffle and Mom...we thank you for visiting us yesterday. Mom LOL'd at your answer about being an expensive pair of shoes. Very timely comment in view of Mom's 'shoes' that were not at all expensive, HA!! Mom said to tell you she doesn't need sunglasses when she looks at them but DAD does not like them at ALL!!!
Concatulations on the award!
We enjoyed yoor answers.
Shoes. Now THERE'S a surprise.
Here's a bit of Momma Trivia for you... Momma has not owned an alarm clock in well over 30 years.
Congrats on the award...you Mom sounds a lot like our Mom! Love the new header!
ConCats on your award! #6 made us MOL!
Congratulations for your cool award! We enjoyed reading about your Mum!!
Purrs, Keiko, Kenji & Pricilla
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