Today I would like you to meet my friends
Spider and Smudge. They are kitties who live in Canberra, Australia, with their human mum.

Spider is all black like me and Smudge has some white patches. Please go and say hello, and tell them Huffle Mawson sent you!
Hi Huffle! We know Spider and Smudge already - but we will stop by and say hi and mention you anyway! We are glad we didn't pck them today for our Friday Friend's post - our mom almost picked them! That would have been so funny!
Off we go to say hello. Happy Friday, Huffle.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What I want to know, Huffle, is how you are getting on with Cosi??
Good, I hope!
Thanx for introducing them! And, we're off...
Hey!!! How cool is that?? Akitty with a scary name,heehee
Just don't tell Mom or she will start looking for spiders ;)
They look really cute too! Thanks for the intro :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Thanks for letting me know about Spider and Smudge, Huffle! We always love meeting new cats ... we're going to pop over for a hello right now. :)
Spider and Smudge are good friends and silly boys, so they are a lot of fun!...kisses sweet Huffle...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Hi, Huffle!
Happy Friday!
I am going to say hello to them now!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Friday!
Hope woo get lots of HAM!
They are totally pawsome furiends!
Hi kitty-cats!
We'll go visit Spider and Smudge. Friday Friends, huh? We're doing Repost Friday.
We'll go and visit! Thanks for the into.
hey Huffle Mawson,
As always, the purr-fect Ambassador for kitties! You are always so generous to introduce your new fur-friends to the blogging world!
Spider and Smudge are very cute kitties!
Cool!! We're going over to say hello! We're excited to meet more Aussie kitties!
Happy Friday!
Hi Huff, we'll pop over to meet yoor friends right away!
Your wish is my command my dear!
Hi Spider and Smudge! We're already friends with them. :D
You are so very sweet to call-out your friends Huffle. Acshullee I thinks we meeted Spider and Smudge a few months ago from your side-bar list.
Has a good weekend Huffle!
Hi Huffle!! We will go visit your friends! We hope you have a great day! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
They look like a fun duo! On my way....
Is it just us or does Spider looked rly, rly peeved? hahahaha!
Hi Huffle! Hope you have an excellent day. We are off to meet Spider and Smudge! We love when you introduce us to new friends.
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