I think that elite sportspeople get to spend Monday recovering from their big games on the weekend. I had a big weekend with all my grandparents visiting me on Saturday. As I mentioned yesterday, no grandparent brought me a present which is totally unacceptable. I will be having mum issue them with notices about not visiting again unless they bring me presents. That should work, right?

This recovery could take some time.
You might need some time to recover from that disappointment. It's like a sandwich without ham, summer without sun, or Christmas without presents.
Frankly, we think they should be sending you apology presents--including ham!
When they visit you next time, they need to bring you a BIG present to make up for it.
I've heard that some visitors send presents AFTER they visit. Make sure your mom checks the front door for a big box of ham!
Play bows,
How could they.. No presents.. You need to have serios talks with them about this.. Hope it works.. Hugs GJ xx
Maybe they will bring extra next time. Did they cuddle? This is my first visit, you are adorable. Do compliments count as presents?
Maybe you should turn them in on a new set of grandparents. Find some generous people who love cats, and let them know they are accepted as new Grands.
Good idea, Huffle?
We hope you shown them your disapproval.
No presents!! So not fair!
It is awful! No pressies? Your mommy needs to be furry stern with them! Old or not!
Mya Boo Boo
That photo does show off your furry pretty TWO white whiskers, Huffle. And next time, those grandpawrents should show up with ham!
jack a-roo & moo too
Ultimata can be highly effective if used judiciously ...
Seriously, Huffle, they should never visit again unless they bring you presents. It's only fair....
Huffle, you have to demand ham even if it has to come from Mum and Dad - someone has to make amends for this travesty.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Totally absurd. Everyone knows you don't visit without bringing the host (cat) a present. How rude! :)
We agree with Kea. The proper thing for them to do would be to send you and apology ham. We hope they have better manners next visit.
Wooos Huffle, we had visitors too, and our poor Bentley spent most of the time under a bed... 'I think they need to bring catnip next time! Bentley has his own pot growing for him to munch on..
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Well, if they bring you something great next time, all will be forgiven, right?
Hey Huffle,
We'll at least you have all 4 grandparents to have visit you; we don't have any. Maybe they played and patted you which is kinda like a present. Anyhow, mom and dad should take it upon themselves to provide presents in lieu of grandparents having done so. They owe you anyway considering that they are deserting you for a whole month.
If they bring your mum champagne, that's almost as good!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Hi Huffle!
Maybe your grandparents forgot cause they had too many things in their mind. The hugs and kisses I'm sure they gave you were just as nice right! ^_^
Btw, Azreen and I (I helped pose :D) made a gift for you for coming to our blog ^_^ It's not much, but we do hope you'll like it!!
Kenzo & Azreen
Hi Huffle,
I have an award for you in my blog come see it...
Purrs from Gotchi
Hi, Huffle!
I am still thinking about that "no presents" for you!
Take it easy this monday and enjoy good naps during the day!
Kisses and hugs
My grandparents never bring me gifts either! My grandmother even called me an odd little cat!
Perhaps you should start a gift registry? Maybe they just didn't know what to get you.
Wait, they didn't even bring TUNA??? That's just poor manners.
We hope your parents provided extra cuddles and treats to help you deal with the disappointment...We love you, Huffle!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
You should demand a whole hock next time they come over. It's only fair.
Awww, we're sorry your grandparents didn't bring you pressies! Next time maybe they'll remember the ham and Temptations.
Kittyhugs and purrs from the Ballicai.
I'm going to reread this tomorrow morning (Monday) Huffle. I think it's the perfect way to start the week, recovering
They need to bring extra presents next time! In the meantime, work hard on that recovery!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We think that bringing suitable offerings should be a basic condition for anyone getting pas the front door.
Rest up, Huffle!
Sorry you had to go through that Huffle. The horror!!
Maybe you need a SPA day ay a hamm store for all your heartache. Get your mum to look into that.
Wanna borrow some of our Prozac, Huffle? It helps the disappointment go down easier.
We agree. Presents are absolutely essential.
Rest well Huffle. I likes the 'Backend in the sun' 'Front end in the shade'. I does that too.
Mommy calls it BIS/FIS.
Has a good rest day.
Huffle, nothing beats recovery more than sunshine!!!!! :)
As for your 2 sets of Grandparents ... :o We hope the notices work!!
Enjoy the sun! heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
I can see both white whiskers!
That really sucks. You should of shredded all their stuff.
your pals, Morgan & Maisie
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