He is in a Halloween costume contest and needs our help. If you could all please go and vote for him (you are only allowed to vote once) between now and the end of October, I'd really appreciate it. The good Cap'n has promised to donate some of his winnings to dog and cat rescue, if he gets the votes in. So please help Cap'n Maverick, and help other dogs and kitties who need it!

He is so cute. We voted!
Awww, what a cutie!! We're off to vote!
Your friend is so cute !
I'll vote on him ^^
We've just come back after voting for your friend. He's really cute!
We'd do anything for you, dearest Huffle.
I am going straight there, even though I don't know what he says half the time....wooorooorooo.
I have missed you Huff.
Your fuzzy friends from Georgia,
Ozzie and Zozo.
PS Did you see sister's post. I let her use the 'pute
Even though he's a woofie I voted for him!
We'll vote, looks dangerous with sword and such. Better remain friends.
Mav's the coolest pirate pup EVER, isn't he??? I sure hope he wins!
Play bows,
I voted for your Maverick Pirate guy, Huff. I hope he wins!
Harrrr -
I've voted Matey Mawson!
Khyra Harrrrr
Great costume and thanks for sharing, Huffle! We's off to vote, matey! Arrrrrrrrr!
xo Ozzie and Sammie
Hi, Huffle!
Mav looks great in that picture!
Of course I voted for him!
Kisses and hugs
We've been voting whenever possible!
Princess Eva
Good luck to your pirate friend....he looks very cool!
Done, Huffle! It's always a pleasure to help a friend!
That is a great costume your friend has on. He looks very pirate-y.
Harrr, I voted and would do it again if they lets me, but they won't.
Black Jack a-roo
We have voted - and like we are residents of Chicago, many times.
That's a great costume...we love the polka-dot bloomer pants! We'll go vote for him too.
That's a pretty good costume he has! We're gonna go vote for him right now!
Harrrrrr Admril Huffle
Thanks for the help Harrrr.
Cap'n Maverick The Pirate
That's a great pirate costume. We'll go and vote right now.
Glogirly thinks pirates are hot. Must be the whole Johnny Depp thing. So we went to his site and voted. You are a good friend Huffle to campaign for votes like this. I hope the pirate appreciates your hard work.
Hey Huffle,
Mission accomplished and the vote tally changed from 546 to 547 so we think it counted. Your wish is our command, Your Royal Hindness.
We voted - we don't know him but we think he looks great!
We voted! Go Maverick!
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