Mum and dad left early this morning for their holiday. I will be alone all week! Grandma and grandpa are coming to look after me every day so I won't starve to death but they don't know how to help me blog so I won't be able to visit you all week. Don't let anything exciting happen!
I'll be back in just over a week.
We'll miss you, Huffle. Hope your beans have a good trip, and that grandma and grandpa take great care of you!!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
I miss you already, Huffs!
Alone again..... naturally.
Play bows,
Enjoy your time with your grammy and grampy! We'll see you when your beans get back.
I hope you survive. The #1 question is whether your grandparents know how to give out ham.
I am going to miss you Huffle!
I wish your parents a nice and safe trip!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Poop in those nice shoes your human woman just bought, just to remind her how much you missed her.
Ok, I suggest that when we see your name in our Blog readers! and there's no new post, we all take a minute to visualize you and a new parsley pot! See you next week!
Huffle, we will miss you but do tell us all about the new garden when you get back.
woos, the OP Pack
Oh Huffle! What will we do without you!
We miss you lots already . Will the work continue on your garden? Maybe the grandparents will help you look for your parsley pot. Tell the beans to have great trip. See you soon.
On World Cat Day at that! How insulting.
Maybe they went looking for your Parsley Pot! Hope you enjoy your time with your Grandma and Grandpa!
I'll miss your blogging Huffle! But I hope the week goes quickly! :)
Don't you hate it when mom and dad leave. My mom is going to stay at home for a little while now!
I know your Grandpawrents will be very good to you, and all grandpawrents are famous for feeding treatz. That would help a little, but we will miss you, Huffle! I hope the days go by fast!
Stella and Ali Zophia
Zim beat me to it!
Gilbert O'Sullivan
Aw Huffle, telerport ofur to our house n play. Yoo can sleep on da sofa too. We likes comp'ny.
Alla Us Hotties
They left for holiday without you! How dare they?
I am coming to break you out!
I'll miss you Huffle, Enjoy your holiday too!
Ooooh, we do not like vacations or blogcations either, Huffle. Do not worry, we will not be doing anything exciting because Mom is still cleaning stuff out and planning for a yard sale. Nothing to see here.
We hope your mum and dad enjoy their trip. We are sure they will be back before you know it:)
We will be waiting for your return to blogging!!!
Have a good week with Grammie & Grandpa :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
It will not be long, I am sure your grandbeans will look after you well..
Hugs GJ xx
We hope your mum and dad have a great holiday.
Hope your beans enjoy their warm vacation. You keep warm Huffle and take lots of naps....it makes time go faster.
How dare they? I finally get to come around and visit and I find news of your abandonment. Not cool.
I think your grandbeans should totally give you extra treats and scritches to make up for your being lonely
We will miss hearing the news about what you are doing! We hope your humans are having a good time wherever they are!
Party at Huffle's house!!!
hey Huffle Mawson,
That is not fair! I have been unable to blog for a couple weeks (thanks human K!!) and now that I am back you are gone! What am I going to do without a cat to annoy this week?
Well, I hope your humans have a great time and I hope you are not too sad and lonely while they are gone. Did your mom leave you your Parsley Pot at least?
Thinking of you,
I will miss you! Did you have to show Grandma and Grandpa where everything was?
At least you get to stay at home!
We miss yoo already Huff so we can't wait for yoo to back blogging. Smooches.
Hi Huffle....Madi said to tell you she hopes your Grans are as good at feeding as her pet sitter was last week. Enjoy your week w/ the Grans.
Madi and Mom
Well, I know how it is to be feeling neglected and all. At least your grandparent beans will be over to make you don't die of starvation!
Hope you beans have a good holiday and you don't get too bored at home alone.
Huffle, we think you hafta teach your grandma and grandpa how to blog because a week is waaaaay too long without you!
We'll be thinking bout cha!
Hope your grand-peeps will give woo ham!
Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo
We are sorry you are getting left again. We hope the Grandma and Grandpa look after you well.
Hope you haven't been too lonely Huffle. All of us puppies and kitties are thinking of you.
Hi Huffle - it's been way too long since I've visited and hope you are coming back very soon! I'm actually getting to make a post tomorrow and am very excited to push the goldie girl over for a chance of my own hehee!
Wisker touches xo
We will miss hearing from you but know that you will be cared for this week.
Woo there Huffle~
Sorri woo are all alone there. Wish I were closer....we could search fur yer parsli pot whist the biped are gone.
Your pal,
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