Pups and kitties, do you see what is going on here? The portable radiator has finally come out and now I have extra toasty! I immediately took up the prime position on the couch to take full advantage of the toasty.

This is me glaring at mum, because she is interrupting my toasty session. I hope she takes that flashy beast away soon.
She probably wouldn't find woo in the oven....
Again, I ofFUR woo 30 degrees today!
Purrhaps your Mum thinks that flash adds to the overall toasty-ness of the parlor, Huffle!
oh i love to be toasty! i made momma turn of the ceiling fan even tho it is 90 degrees in here. oh toasty!
We were plenty toasty here over the weekend. But we know it is cold there and Huffle needs to be warm. Did you thank Mum and Dad for bringing out your special toaster?
Woos, the OP Pack
Mom always says that if you want to find the warmest place in the house,get a cat!
How stupid are beans that they can't find the warm spots????? heehee
Enjoy the heat :)
Purrs Mickey
My dear Aussie friend! I can certainly relate to the toastiness....I myself adore curling up on the upholstered footstool in front of a crackling fire on a cold day. Those days are behind us for a while now, as it is getting on towards summmer here in the U.S. I look forward to following your cozy snuggles and it grows cooler there!
I appreciate your determination!
Me: Ozzie here. I hope you get some peace and quiet soon. And I'm going to take over this blog very soon as I'm sick and tired of the big gold monster wreaking havoc in the household.
Peace and warmth to you, Huffle,
You look lovely with your toasty. I think you deserve it so much. If you were here, you could just go outside. Plenty of toast out there.
The other Ozzie(I have a blog named after me)
Very nice to have the lovely warmh. You stick to ouir guns and hog that fire,
Hugs GJ xx
Don't forget to rotate so that all sides stay toasty!
Princess Eva
the flashy beast is always working!
have a toasty time!
Kisses and hugs
Just shut your eyes tight, Huffle, when you see her coming with the flashy beast, and then flip over quickly.
Stella and Ali Z
You've got it good, Huffle!
You are beautiful even when you glare at your mom!
hey Huffle Mawson,
Be very very careful! Extra-toasty kitties are extra yummy to many animal tummies so please be careful when you are toasting yourself! Where is that bodyguard of yours?!
Of course, *I* don't eat extra-toasty kitties...
Hi Huff,
We fink it is very impawtant to stay toasty!
You do look very toasty and cosy Huffle.
I am sorry to hear your mum is suffering like mine. She is a bit annoyed, as she has felt great for almost a year, and then bam as soon as she had the jab she has felt crappy.
We are busy listening to all the new quarintine guidelines for the flu, so mum is going out in the morning to stock up on toiled paper and cat food. Just in case.
Sickly smooches
Julie and Poppy Q
I hat being interrupted while I am being toasty - good look!
For a minute there, I thought you were making toast ... which would be tasty. Tasty & toasty. Ha roo roo roo!
You should come spend your cold months with us!
Play bows,
You look so relaxed!
Jas & Gi
That's a great spot! Don't burn up though!
We have those too and I love to lay in front of it in the winter.
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