Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The sick paw story

You all know how I like to sit my by heater like this. The other day I was lying on my side and I had all my paws stretched out toward the heater. Mum is always telling me I get too close and sometimes she moves me back.

But then, I accidentally got my paw too close to the heater and burnt it! I jumped three feet in the air and started licking and licking my paw. It hurt!

Mum's note: Huffle's paw is okay, I think she got more of a fright than anything else. The heater has been moved so far away from the couch she would fall off if she tried to get any closer to it now.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh Huffle, you can't be THAT cold - tell Dad to get you another warm blankie. Glad your paw is OK bue do be careful.

Woos, the OP Pack

Mason Dixie said...

I am glad that your paw is okay, I agree with the pack get a warm blanket maybe even electric if you are that chilly. =)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What kind of Siberian are woo?




Jasmim said...

Uh! You seem really comfortable ^^

Jas & Gi

The Army of Four said...

Oh, Huffle! That evil, evil heater! Want me to come down there and destroy it for you? Oh, no... wait. ... then you'll be cold. Well, tell it NOT TO HURT my bestest friend EVER again!
Play bows,

Eva said...

Hi, sorry if my English is not very good, it's online translator xD

Went to leave greetings and purrs from Chile many thanks for visiting my blog, I hope to return!


D.K. Wall said...

Take it from Siberians - stay away from any heat source!

Seriously, we thought that since we had threatened to take away your Honorary Sibe status for being cold (Rusty agrees) that you had hacked into our website and made it crash and got a sore paw from all the typing.

Ok, your story is simpler.

Anonymous said...

OWIE, YEOWIE! That sounds yike it really hurts BAD! Us kittiez need our paws for so many things like swatting dogs, catching flies, covering our poops, batting on momma's faces when we want attention. Good thing your paw isn't mangled fur-ever!☺

Stella said...

Huffle, Should I have my Mom make you a specially warm quilt? I am sure she would be happy to do that.

But do stay away from the heater!


Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

HaRoooo Huffle,
I kin send woo sibe kisses to make it all better. Next time, woo curl up in da blankets on your maw's bed to stay warm.

Husky kisses,

Anonymous said...

Oh Sweet Huffle... I sure hope you hissed at that MEAN heater.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo need more blankies...we hope dat yoor paw is really okay.

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh Huffle that's so scary!! Glad you're safe.

Anonymous said...

Ouch Huffle. Reminds me of the time I ran across the firepit and singed my belly hairs... fortunately I didn't have to get tossed into the pool as I didn't catch on fire.

So that's my story, Maebe

Golden Samantha said...

Dear Huffle,
Ozzie here: Please be careful from now on about the hot spots. I know how pawsomely great it feels to be near "WARM" but sometimes it's too much of a good thing meouw.
Thinking of you xo Whisker to whisker,

Lorenza said...

I hope your paw is much better now!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Pemberley said...

Hope that paw feels better soon! :)

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Dear Huffle! I am sorry you burned you paw! It must be really cold there for you to want to be that close to the heater! I am happy you will be OK.

Max said...

Ow. Sorry that happened. The Woman moved my bed away from the fire box thingy all winter and I kept pushing it back and she finally said "Fine! Touch your butt to that glass and see what happens!" I bet it would hurt, just like your paw...

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Maybe you should always lay on your mum's lap with a warm blanket.

princess eva

The Island Cats said...

Huffle...we hope that paw of yours is gotta watch those heater thingeys...

BeadedTail said...

Oh Huffle, sorry to hear you hurt your paw on the heater. I'm glad you are okay and hope that never happens again!

Forever Foster said...

Oh Huffle, you silly billy. Mum has been worried about us burning ourselves on the heaters when we finally get to Sydney, so found us a Snugglesafe on sale at The Vet Shed. She's hoping that will stop us burning our whiskers off!

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Poor Huffle, that probably scared you a bit. It's a good thing your Mom moved the heater and now maybe you can talk Dad into more blankets. Be sure to stick out the sore paw when asking.

Suka said...

hey Huffle Mawson,

OUCH! I am glad your paw is better, but I bet it did hurt! Burns are NO fun!


Anonymous said...

Owie, Huffle. Don't touch that again, OK?

Anonymous said...

Oh Huffle, your paw got burnt?! Oh ouchie! I know it's nice to have warm paws, but not that warm. I hope it's getting better now.

See ya!

The Kitty Krew said...

Owchie! We're sorry to hear your burned your paw but glad it's not too serious. Hope it's feeling all better now!!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Bugsy, Sassy, Callie, Roxy, and Pixie, and Their Mommy

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh Huffle glad you are ok. You could have been scarred for life. Take care.. Glad your mum moved you back.

Hugs GJ xx

Jack & Moo said...

Oh Huffle, sleeping that close to a heater sounds pawtentionally dangerous, not only about your paw, but what if you're blankie slipped off and caught fire? We're glad your heater got moved. sorry about your paw, sounds ouchie!

Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo

The Crew said...

Oh Huffle dear, do be careful. You don't want another sick paw!

Thoughts said...

Oh no! Poor kitty! Good thing mom was there to rescue you! We hope your paw feels better soon Huffle!

Also, we want to thank you so much for coming to our blog in recent weeks and leaving your supportive comments during our traumatic time. Your support and prayers mean a lot to us! We are so happy to have friends like you! we have added you to our blogroll Huffle!

Wags and hugs and kisses,
Benson, Gibson, Sasha and Theodore

Daisy said...

Ouchie! That sounds very hurty! I am glad it was not too serious.

Cliff and Olivia said...

Oh Huffle, that's awful. We're glad your paw weren't hurt.

Martin Hooper said...

Huffle you cant be an explorer cat with only three paws now can you??? ;)

Glad your ok though and I hope your mummy gave you lots of extra cuddles!

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

I'm so glad your paw is okay. Be careful! That's why we huskies like snow - our paws don't get burnt!
