My friends the Army of Four gave me the Kreative Blogger Award! Thanks so much everypup! I try very hard to be creative but sometimes it's hard when you're just a black cat like me.

I was given the International Bloggers Award by my friend Derby, and my new friends Slash and Bronzy. They are two cool kitties who live in my hometown! Bronzy has been unwell after her spaying so maybe you could drop in and say hello to her?
And finally, the very gorjuss Milo and Alfie Marshall shared this award with me! Isn't it so very cute? We love pandas in my house!

We were beginning to question your credentials as an honorary Sibe with the complaining about cold weather, but not following the rules gets you back in our good graces. yea!
Congrats on all those awards - they must have warmed you up a bit:)
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Huffie, congratulations on the well-deserved honors!
Congratulations on your Awards, Huffle!
I hope you are having a great sunday!
Kisses and hugs
Congratulations on all those awards, Huffle! We love the "You Don't Say" award - thank you very much!
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
Khongrats on your awards!
I still keep ofFURing woo a hemisphere switch but woo haven't purrrrrred yes yet!
Me thinks woo don't really mind it THAT much!
I love the Panda Award - I akhtually received it from SOME KHATS!
Nice Awards, Huffle and I'm glad you forgot the rules, too. What is even more amazing is that Khyra got an award from Khats!
Congrats on your fine awards Huffle! And thanks for your sweet comments about Terra. (Her mom saw them and was very touched.) Find a warm spot - Ozzie's thinking about you!
xo Hugs from us both,
Sammie and Oz
Congrats on those wonderful awards!!! Woo so deserves them!!!
Mya Boo Boo
We're so glad you got gived such nice awards Huff, and we're glad you like the one we gived you. Don't worry about the rules - rules were made to be broked. We break rules all the time. Tee hee!.
Haff a nice lazy Sunday!
Milo and Alfie xx
hey Huffle Mawson,
I understand lazy! And not just on Sundays!!
A huge WOOF to all your new and very cool awards! Well deserved!
Congrats on all your awards, you are a cool cat and deserve them I love the panda one and will take it thanks.
Take care, keep warm.
Hugs GJ xx
Wow Huffle - 3 awards! But you deserve them You do an excellent job!
Those are cool awards!! Congrats!
Congrats, Huffle! All VERY well-deserved!!!
Play bows,
Congrats Huffle!!
Jas & Gi
Congrats on all the awards!!
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